
A Section of the Latin American Studies Association

ARCHIVE/ARCHIVO: LASA 2020 Virtual Congress - Sessions' Abstracts

Environmental section - LASA VIRTUAL 2020

ROUND TABLE - Damaging until When? Amazon Territories, Climate Crisis and Global Governance - scheduled for 5/14/2020 13:00:00 - 14:45:00 

Abstract: The Brazilian Amazon burned in August 2019 on a scale never before recorded. The impact of this episode is global. The importance of this biome in the planet's climate balance is undeniable. However, the Amazon remains interpreted as a depository territory of natural resources, as reflected by the activities of mining and agribusiness aompanies and aam buildings. When political questions about the governance of this territory emerged, the Brazilian government quickly positioned itself against the international political community demarcating Brazil's sovereignty in this territory. Native communities for thousands of years preserved the Amazon biome; now the Brazilian government is undertaking a process of institutional deconstruction in both the environmental and human rights arena. Deregulation of environmental policy is ongoing, and endangers the traditional knowledge of indigenous people and rural communities. Their lands are invaded by agents who cooperate with the mining, agribusiness and dam construction sectors. What is the responsibility of the institutions of Environmental Global Governance with the Amazon in this scenario of domestic deconstruction of environmental protection and human rights guarantees in Amazon? This round table will discuss the Amazon today and its global interdependence and sustainability, as a central theme for Global Environmental Governance, while highlighting the important role played by Multilateral Institutions in the current scenario of environmental and social damages.


PANEL – Expanding knowledge networks: towards an integration of Western and non -Western traditional environmental knowledge in Latin America. // Ampliando las redes de conocimiento: hacia una integración del conocimiento ambiental occidental y tradicional, en América Latina - scheduled for 5/14/2020 17:00:00 - 18:45:00

Abstract: This panel explores the territory-nature-culture relationship, by means of a dialogue of knowledge between local communities and Western production systems. Currently, science recognizes the value of the biocultural heritage that brings together the symbolic and material expressions of the relationship between indigenous peoples and their ecosystems. It is for this reason that this panel brings together papers that examine current productive practices and processes, from a perspective that seeks new social relations in a postmodern and globalized Latin America. These emerge from the circulation of traditional and scientific knowledge, and in the meeting of knowledge paradigms, such as conservation from a biocultural approach, the reformulation / recovery of traditional agroecosystems as an alternative to agro-industrial development, and artistic and cultural expressions that claim the conservation of biocultural heritage.

Resumen: Este panel explora la relación territorio-naturaleza-cultura, a través del diálogo de saberes de las comunidades locales y los sistemas de producción de las sociedades occidentales. Actualmente, la ciencia reconoce el valor del patrimonio biocultural que reúne las expresiones simbólicas y materiales de la relación entre los pueblos originarios y sus ecosistemas. Es por este motivo que este panel reúne ponencias que examinan prácticas y procesos productivos de actualidad, desde una perspectiva que busca nuevas relaciones sociales en un México posmoderno y globalizado. Esta nuevas relaciones se establecen en la circulación de los saberes tradicionales y científicos, y en el encuentro de paradigmas del conocimiento.


WORKSHOP #1: Emerging Issues in Latin American Environmental Research - scheduled for 5/15/2020 09:00:00 - 10:45:00

Abstract: For over 10 years, the Environment Section has organized a large panel focused on our member’s newest research, “Emerging issues in Latin American environmentalism.” In collaborative format, the panelists briefly present their research, which is intended as a strategy to stimulate discussion among the entire section. In this way, the speakers and audience share their ongoing work and latest questions, observations, and projects. This valued tradition has enabled the members of the Environment Section to not only keep up on the latest research, but forge interdisciplinary connections, and widen our Latin American networks.

Resumen: Desde hace diez años, la sección Environment ha organizado un panel amplio que se nutre de la investigación más reciente de nuestros miembros, titulado “Temas emergentes en el ambientalismo de América Latina”. En formato colaborativo, los panelistas presentan brevemente su investigación, y estas presentaciones resultan una estrategia para estimular la discusión entre integrantes de la sección. De esta forma, los panelistas y la audiencia comparten su trabajo más reciente, así como sus observaciones, interrogaciones y proyectos. Esta tradición ha permitido que los miembros de la Sección Medioambiental no sólo estén al tanto de lo más nuevo en investigación, sino que también se han forjado conexiones interdisciplinarias y una ampliación de nuestras redes latinoamericanas.


WORSHOP #2: Towards an integration of Western and non -Western traditional environmental knowledge in Latin America -  Hacia una integración del conocimiento ambiental occidental y tradicional, en América Latina - scheduled for 5/15/2020 11:00:00 - 12:45:00
Abstract: This workshop seeks to explore the territory-nature-culture relationship, by means of a dialogue of knowledges: traditional and western. Currently, science recognizes the value of the biocultural heritage that brings together the symbolic and material expressions of the relationship between local and indigenous communities and their ecosystems. This workshop gathers papers about the new social relations that are established in the circulation of traditional and scientific knowledge in a postmodern and globalized world. Likewise, it is a call to a meeting of paradigms of knowledge, such as a biocultural approach to conservation, the reformulation-recovery of traditional agroecosystems as an alternative to agro-industrial development, and artistic and cultural expressions that uphold the value of biocultural heritage.
Resumen: Este taller busca explorar la relación territorio-naturaleza-cultura, a través del diálogo de saberes de los pueblos originarios y de las sociedades occidentales. Actualmente, la ciencia reconoce el valor del patrimonio biocultural que reúne las expresiones simbólicas y materiales de la relación entre los pueblos originarios y sus ecosistemas. Por este motivo, este taller reúne ponencias en torno a las nuevas relaciones sociales que se establecen en la circulación de los saberes tradicionales y científicos en un mundo posmoderno y globalizado. Asimismo, es un llamado el encuentro de paradigmas del conocimiento como una aproximación biocultural en conservación, la reformulación/recuperación de agro-ecosistemas tradicionales para un desarrollo alternativo al agroindustrial, y las expresiones artísticas y culturales que reivindican la conservación del patrimonio biocultural.
ROUND TABLE: Damaging until When? Amazon Territories, Climate Crisis and Global Governance -- scheduled for 5/14/2020 13:00:00 - 14:45:00

Organizer: Maria Alessandra P Woolson; University of Vermont
Chair: Nírvia Ravena Sousa; Universidade Federal do Pará

1. Nírvia Ravena Sousa; Universidade Federal do Pará
2. Claudia Horn; London School of Economics and Political Science
3. Maria AP Woolson for Nele Azevedo (in absentia), artist, Sao Paulo
4. Joana Salem Vasconcelos; University of São Paulo (USP)


PANEL: Expanding knowledge networks: towards an integration of Western and non -Western traditional environmental knowledge in Latin America -- scheduled for 5/14/2020 17:00:00 - 18:45:00

Organizer: Maria Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont
Chair: Lidia Blásquez Martínez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Lerma
Discussant: Marcela López-Vallejo Olvera, Universidad de Guadalajara


1. Lidia Ivonne Blasquez Martinez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Lerma
2. Nírvia Ravena Sousa; Universidade Federal do Pará
3. Armelle Gouritin; CONACyT
4. Armando Garcia Chiang; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Iztapalapa


WORKSHOP #1: Emerging Issues in Latin American Environmental Research - scheduled for 5/15/2020 09:00:00 - 10:45:00

Organizer: Li1dia Blásquez Martínez; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Lerma
Chair: Maria Alessandra P Woolson; University of Vermont


1. Marcela López-Vallejo Olvera, Universidad de Guadalajara
2. Gabriela Muñoz Melendez; El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
3. Claudia Horn; London School of Economics and Political Science
4. Andrew R Smolski; North Carolina State University
5. Joana Salem Vasconcelos; University of São Paulo (USP)
6. Daniela Garcia Grandon; RIMISP


WORKSHOP #2: Towards an Integration of Western and Non -Western Traditional Environmental Knowledge in Latin America - scheduled for 5/15/2020 11:00:00 - 12:45:00

Organizer & Chair: Maria Alessandra P Woolson; University of Vermont
Discussant: Marcela López-Vallejo Olvera, Universidad de Guadalajara


1. Estela González, Middlebury College, USA
2. Enrique Leff, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM (invitado especial)
3. Georgina Vega Fregoso, Universidad de Guadalajara
4. Maria Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont