Archive/Archivo - LASA 2023 Mixed-modality Congress - Vancouver
1. Environment Section Sponsored Panel 1:
"Territories, bodies and alternative epistemologies: reimagining modernity from below."
@ 1:45 pm- 3:15 pm
West Meeting room 202 & Virtual
Chair & Discussant: Linda Etchart,, Kingston University London
1. Organizarnos en la tormenta. Mujeres indígenas desplegando insurgencias femeninas para la defensa de sus cuerpos-territorios-tierra frente a la neocolonización en la frontera de Chiapas
Delmy Tania Cruz Hernández, Centro de Estudios Superiores de México y Centroamérica (CESMECA);
2. Communities of Life, Reciprocity, and indigenous Organic Coffee Production: A Permanent Struggle for a Clean production and a Healthy Environment.
Consuelo Guayara Sánchez, University of Iowa;
3. Disruptive Weather or, Climate and the Nature/s of Racial Justice
Mareike Winchell, University of Chicago;
4. Contesting Inevitability: Transmodern Ecologies of Lake Atitlan
Elizabeth Pettinaroli, Rhodes College;
Session Organizer: Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
2. Environment Section Sponsored Workshop:
Emerging Issues in Latin American Environmental Research
@ 10:15 am- 11:45 am
West Meeting room 202 & Virtual
Chair: Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
Presenter: Joel Correia, University of Florida Center for L.A. Studies
Presenter: Gabriela Dongo Arévalo, Academic
Presenter: María Inés Nieves, Universidad Iberoamericana
Presenter: Patricia Viera Duarte, Universidad de la República (UdelaR)
Presenter: Laura Cucchi, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Presenter: Veronica Gonzalez, University of California – Irvine
Session Organizer: Linda Etchart,, Kingston University London
3. Environment Section RoundTable:
"CONO SUR and thinking creatively to mobilize for socio-ecological transformation"
@ 8:30 am- 10:00 am
West Meeting room 202 & Virtual
Chair: Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
1. Johanna Höhl, Heidelberg Center Latin America;
2. Mayarí Castillo, Centro de Economía y Políticas Sociales - Universidad Mayor
3. Alejandro Retamal Maldonado, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Regional y Políticas Públicas - Universidad de Los Lagos
4. Paula Serafini, Queen Mary University of London;
5. Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
Session Organizer: Linda Etchart,, Kingston University London
4. Environment Section Sponsored Panel 2:
"The human right to a healthy environment under threat: extractive industries, weakened democratic representation and organized crime in Latin America"
@ 12:00 pm- 1:30 pm
West Meeting room 202 & Virtual
Chair: Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
1. Environmental Damage of Organized Crime - Virtual participation.
Mark Ungar, Graduate Center, City University of New York;
2. Intersections of Environmental Violence and Precarious Indigenous Land Rights in Latin American Extractives
Maiah Jaskoski, Northern Arizona University;
3. Climate Displacement and Organized Crime in Latin America
Bernardo Bolaños Guerra, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, University of Toronto
4. Global organized crime and the extractive industries in Ecuador
Linda Etchart,, Kingston University London;
Session Organizer: Maria Alessandra Woolson,, University of Vermont
"Ecofeminist Imaginations in Latin American Cultural Production."
@ 12:00pm - 01:30pm.
1. Jessica E. Jones, Princeton University;
2. Carolyn Fornoff, Cornell University;
3. Catalina Arango Correa, Princeton University;
4. Nicolas Campisi, Georgetown University.
"Actividades ilícitas y organizaciones criminales como principales amenazas en contra de defensores indígenas y ambientales en Perú, Colombia, y Brasil."
@ 12:00pm - 01:30pm.
1. Christine Hunefeldt, UC-San Diego;
2. Vanessa Torres, Universidad de Los Andes / Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad.;
3. Julia Neiva Mello, CONECTAS;
4. Carlos Quispe Dávila, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú / DAR.
Moderator: Elena Alvarez – USMP.
Discussant: Cesar Gamboa, Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales DAR.
- CALL for proposals
We invite our memers to send us their proposals by September 2nd in order to assmble the sessions and submit them in a timely manner before the congress' call closes on September 8th at 5:00 pm US Eastern time
1. A Panel:
This panel is meant to align thematically with the Congress' topic Pensar, Representar y Luchar por los Derechos (click on link for the call's description). An alignment of socio-environmental issues and the challenge of defending collective and individual rights in the region has been a frequent topic of research among our session's members, so we are not narrowing down the thematic reach of the panel at this time. A title will be selected once we receive proposals. This session will accommodate 4-5 presenters.
2. Our usual Workshop:
"Emerging Issues in Latin American Environmental Research," that accommodates roughly 8-10 presenters. This is a relatively informal format in which participants are encouraged to briefly present their current research without a paper, to enable discussion, feedback, questions, and dialogue.
3. A Round Table:
also meant to align with the Congress' theme Pensar, Representar y Luchar por los Derechos (click on link for the call's description), the round table, rather than traditional presentations as in a panel, is an opportunity to connect the diverse works of presenters into a common thread that can foster a conversation or collective/creative analysis and engages the audience. As such, each presenter's intervention is shorter and seeks to find connections with others in order to engage the audience in a multi-presenter conversation. Once again, a focused title will be selected once we receive proposals. This will accommodate 4-5 presenters.