
A Section of the Latin American Studies Association


Best Book Publication Awards presented by the Environment Section - Premiación al mejor libro, presentada por la sección Ambiente

Best Book of 2022

Sarah T. Hines (University of Oklahoma)

Water for All: Community, Property, and Revolution in Modern Bolivia University of California Press, 2022

Honorable Mention for Best Book of 2022

Amalia Leguizamón (Tulane University)

Las semillas del poder: injusticia ambiental en la Argentina sojera, trad. Gerardo Raúl Losada, UNSAM Edita, 2022

Honorable Mention for Best Book of 2022

Peter Taylor Klein (Bard College)

Flooded: Development, Democracy, and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam, Rutgers University Press, 2022

Best Book of 2023

Carolina Sá Carvalho (University of Toronto)

Traces of the Unseen: Photography, Violence, and Modernization in Early Twentieth-Century Latin America, Northwestern University Press, 2023

Honorable Mention for Best Book of 2023

Gisela Heffes (Rice University)

Visualizing Loss in Latin America: Biopolitics, Waste, and the Urban Environment, trans. Grady C. Wray, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023

Honorable Mention for Best Book of 2023

Cindy McCulligh (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social/ Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), Guadalajara, Mexico.)

Sewer of Progress: Corporations, Institutionalized Corruption, and the Struggle for the Santiago River, MIT Press, 2023

Awards for Best Article published in 2021-22, presented by the Environment Section - Premiación al mejor artículo publicado en 2021-22, presentada por la sección Ambiente- Premiación al mejor libro, presentada por la sección Ambiente

Best Publication Award, article 2022

Gustavo Saes Azenha (Columbia University)

"A Political Ecology of Fetishism in Brazil’s “Discovery Coast”: Crisis, Socioenvironmental Hybridization, and Historical Amnesia in the Frontiers of Global Liberalism,” Global Power and Local Struggles in Developing Countries. Contemporary Perspectives On: Europe and the People without History, by Eric R. Wolf. Paul Stacey (ed.). Brill, 2022.

Annick Benavides (Harvard University)

“Spiritual Mining: Augustinian Images of Extraction in Colonial Peru,” The Art Bulletin, 104:4, 46-69, 2022.