Southern Cone Studies

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association

Jurado Ciencias Sociales

Rebekah E. Pite

Rebekah E. Piteis Professor of History at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania (USA).She is a social and cultural historian committed to sharing revealing stories about everyday life in Argentina and the Southern Cone through a focus on food and domestic work. In 2023, she published Sharing Yerba Mate: How South America’s Most Popular Drink Defined a Region (University of North Caroline Press), which received the Arthur P. Whitaker Prize, the LASA Southern Cone Social Science Book Prize, and three Gourmand book prizes for the U.S. Her earlier books include Creating a Common Table in Twentieth-Century Argentina: Doña Petrona, Women, and Food (UNC, 2013), which won the LASA Southern Cone Social Science Book Prize and a Gourmand Prize, and La mesa está servida. Doña Petrona C. de Gandulfo y la domesticidad del Siglo XX (Edhasa, 2016), a significantly revised and shorter version of her first book in English that allowed her to share her research with scholars and the broader public in Argentina. 

Diego Armus

Diego Armus teaches courses on Latin American history with an emphasis on urban and socio-cultural issues. He studied at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the University of California, Berkeley, where he got his Ph.D. in history. His main current research project is a history of tobacco cigarette smoking in modern Buenos Aires. In 2024, Duke University Press will publish his The Buenos Aires Reader; FCE-Buenos Aires his Enfermedades Argentinas. 16 Historias; and Penguin Random House-Argentina an updated version of The Ailing City. Health, Tuberculosis and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1879-1950 (Duke University Press, 2011; Edhasa, 2007 and 2013 for Spanish versions). He has also written or edited, among others, Sanadores, Parteras, Curanderos y Médicas. Las Artes de Curar en la Argentina Moderna (Buenos Aires: 2022); The Gray Zones of Medicine. Healers and History in Latin America (2021); Avatares de la Medicalización en América Latina (Buenos Aires: 2005); Cuidar, Controlarar, Curar. Estudosde História da Saúde e da Doença na América Latina e Caribe (Rio de Janeiro: 2004, 2009, 2014); Disease in the History of Modern Latin America. From Malaria to AIDS (Duke University Press, 2003); Entre Médicos y Curanderos. Cultura, Historia, y Enfermedad en la América Latina Moderna (Buenos Aires: 2002); Mundo Urbano y Cultura Popular. Estudios de Historia Social Argentina (Buenos Aires: 1990). Armus has been a visiting scholar at Harvard, Columbia, and New York universities and at the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin, Germany, the FIOCRUZ Foundation in Río de Janeiro, Brazil, and the Escuela de Altos Estudios Sociales -UNSAM, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Nicolás Somma González

Nicolás Somma Gonzálezes Profesor Asociado y ex Director del Instituto de Sociología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, e investigador asociado del Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social (COES). Sus áreas de interés son la sociología política, los movimientos sociales y la sociología histórico-comparada, con foco en Chile y América Latina. Esoriginario de Montevideo, Uruguay, donde completósus estudios de pregrado y maestría en sociología en la Universidadde la República Oriental del Uruguay. Luego obtuvouna maestría y un doctorado en Sociología en la Universidad de Notre Dame (EE.UU).