Puerto Rico

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association

Council of the Section/ Representantes de la sección

List of Members of the 2024-2025 Executive Council

  • Joaquin Villanueva (Presidente / Chair) Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minnesota.
  • Joanna Camacho (Vice-presidenta/ Vice-chair) University of New Mexico 
  • Ivette Guzmán Zavala  (Secretaria / Secretary) Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania.
  • Brett Robert (Tesorero / Treasurer) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Zorimar Rivera Montes (presidenta ex-oficio/ Ex chair ex-officio) Tulane University
  • Carlos Rubén Carrasquilla Ríos (Vocal / Council Member) 
  • Enrique González Conty (Vocal / Council Member) 
  • Xiomara Torres Rivera (Vocal / Council Member)
  • Alex Sastre Rivera ( Vocal de posgrado/Graduate Council Member)

List of Members of the 2023-2024 Executive Council

  • Zorimar RIVERA MONTES (Presidenta / Chair) Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Joaquin VILLANUEVA (Vice-Presidente / Vice-Chair) Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minnesota.
  • Ivette GUZMÁN ZAVALA (Secretaria / Secretary) Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania.
  • Brett ROBERT (Tesorero / Treasurer) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Joanna CAMACHO ESCOBAR (Vocal / Council Member) The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Mónica OCASIO VEGA (Vocal / Council Member) Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Aurora SANTIAGO ORTIZ (Pasada Presidenta Saliente / Outgoing Past Chair) University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.

List of Members of the 2022-2023 Executive Council

  • Aurora SANTIAGO ORTIZ (Presidenta / Chair) University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
  • Zorimar RIVERA MONTES (Vice-Presidenta / Vice-Chair) Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,
  • Lisa ORTIZ (Secretaria / Secretary) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • José ATILES (Tesorero / Treasurer) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
  • Lisa JAHN (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member) City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York.
  • Eddie Joel PESANTE (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member) City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York.
  • Esther RODRÍGUEZ MIRANDA (Vocal / Council Member) Independent Researcher.
  • Joanna CAMACHO ESCOBAR (Vocal / Council Member) The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Consejo 2021-2022 / 2021-2022 Council

a) Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA-MENDOZA (Chair / Presidenta) Un año Colgate University, Hamilton, Nueva York

b) Aurora SANTIAGO-ORTIZ (Vice Chair / Vice Presidenta) Un año University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

c) Lisa ORTIZ (Secretary / Secretaria) Dos años University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

d) José M. ATILES-OSORIA (Treasurer / Tesorero) Dos años University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois

e) Windy M. COSME ROSARIO (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) Un año Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras (UPR Río Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico

f) Lisa FIGUEROA JAHN (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) Dos años The Graduate Center at the City University of New York (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Nueva York, Nueva York

g) Roberto VÉLEZ-VÉLEZ (Council Member / Vocal) Un año State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY New Paltz), New Paltz, Nueva York

h) Esther RODRÍGUEZ MIRANDA (Council Member / Vocal) Dos años Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón (UPR Bayamón), Bayamón, Puerto Rico

i) Jorell A. MELÉNDEZ-BADILLO (Immediate Past Chair / Pasado Presidente Inmediato) Un año Dartmouth College, Hanover, Nuevo Hampshire

Consejo Ejecutivo 2019-2021:

Co-Presidente: Jorell A. Meléndez-Badillo, Dartmouth College
Co-Presidente: Rachell Sánchez Rivera, University of Cambridge
Secretario-Tesorero: Raymond Laureano-Ortiz, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico
Integrante del Consejo : Mayra Veléz Serrano, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
Integrante del Consejo: Harry Franqui-Rivera, Bloomfield College
Integrante del Consejo: Sara Benítez-Delgado, MAMPR/University of Puerto Rico
Integrante del Consejo: Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology

Consejo de Estudiantes Graduados

Co-Presidente: Aurora Santiago-Ortiz, University of Massachusetts
Co-Presidente: Pedro J. Rolón, UC Berkeley
Integrante del Consejo: Sarah Molinari, The Graduate Center CUNY
Integrante del Consejo: Rodney Lebrón, University of Maryland
Integrante del Consejo: Laura Marina Boria González, The University of Texas at Austin
Integrante del Consejo: Cruz Bonlarron Martínez, University of Illinois at Chicago

There are no upcoming events posted at this time.