Puerto Rico

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association

Section Annual Reports

Informe de la reunión de negocios para LASA. Business meeting report for LASA. LASAPR: 2014, Bogotá, Colombia

June 13, 2024 at 5:40-7:10pm Ed. 02- Fernando Barón, S.J.

Agenda: welcoming, approval of minutes, who we are, membership, financial report, activities, prizes, elections, feedback, questions and ideas, reception reminder. 25 people attended, 3 via zoom. 20 identified themselves as members.


  • 1 general council member, retired professor UPR: Carlos Rubén Carrasquillo Ríos (1 year)
  • 1 graduate council member: Alex Sastre Rivera (2 years)
  • 1 general council member: Enrique González Conty (1 year)
  • 1 general council member: Xiomara Torres Rivera (1 year)

No elections needed for:

  • Chair- Joaquín Villanueva (1 year)
  • Vice-chair: Joanna Camacho (2 years, becomes Chair)
  • Treasurer- Brett Robert (1 more year)
  • Secretary; Ivette Guzmán Zavala (1 more year)
  • Chair ex-oficio: Zorimar Rivera Montes (1 year)

Term activities:

In Diálogo sobre Puerto Rican Studies and the Academic Job Market (Sept 28, 2023), three panelists shared their journey towards tenure or tenure-track position and gave ideas on how to do the same. In collaboration with Puerto Rican Studies Association (April 2, 2024) “Publish your Boricua book” gave possible new authors guidelines and contacts with editors interested in Puerto Rican Studies.

Upcoming term:

Possibility of another conference in Spring of 2025. Increase collaboration between the island and diaspora, like mentoring graduate students.

Awards: Julie Torres: Blanca Silvestrini Award for best article. Travel grants: Guillermo Morejón y Alexandra Sánchez Rolón ($250.00 each)

Selection Committee Members and Process:

For the article award, last year’s winner becomes part of the committee with those asked to participate by members of the directorship: Joaquín Villanueva, Frances Aparicio y Arnaldo Cruz Malavé. Travel grants were voted on by all present at the Feb. meeting (Zorimar Rivera Montes, Mónica Ocasio Rivera, Aurora Santiago Ortiz, Joanna Camacho, Joaquín Villanueva, Brett Robert, Ivette Guzmán Zavala).



A. Asamblea
1. Hora y lugar
a. viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023 de 5:15pm-6:45pm PDT en persona y vía el portal virtual de LASA.

2. Asistencia
a. personas participaron, cumpliendo con el 10% del quorum requerido (81 miembres).

3. Discusión incluyó:

trabajos realizados, presupuesto, premio, elecciones, retroalimentación de les miembres, y recordatorio de eventos. Para un informe completo, ver Apéndice A.

B. Resultados de elección
Se aceptaron nominaciones para: Vice-Presidente, Secretarie, Tesorere, Vocal, y dos Vocales de Estudiantes Graduades. Los dos puestos para vocales estudiantiles quedan vacantes al momento de la asamblea anual.
Información para cada miembre entrante:
1. *Joaquín Villanueva, Vice-Presidente, Gustavus Adolphus College.
2. *Ivette Guzmán Zavala, Secretaria, Lebanon Valley College.
3. *Brett Robert, Tesorero, University of Pennsylvania.
4. *Mónica Ocasio Vega, Vocal, Trinity University (otoño 2023).
Para una lista del Consejo Ejecutivo Saliente (2022-23) y Entrante (2023-24), ver Apéndice B. *Elección no requerida ya que sólo hubo una nominación.
C. Informe sobre actividades durante este término y planes para el siguiente

La actividad principal durante este término fue la conferencia inaugural de la sección llevada a cabo el 17 y 18 de marzo de 2023. Las actividades que se podrían llevar a cabo para el siguiente término incluyen: una colaboración con PRSA sobre el proceso de escribir un libro, una conversación post-conferencia con la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, y actividades sugeridas por la membresía.

D. Premio y proceso de selección

El ganador del Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños ($200) fue Joaquin Villanueva (Gustavus Adolphus College) por su artículo, "The Criollo Bloc: Corruption Narratives and the Reproduction of Colonial Elites in Puerto Rico, 1860-1917."

Nieve de los Ángeles Vázquez, Lawrence "Larry" La Fountain-Stokes, y Ismael García Colón evaluaron 10 artículos nominados.


A. Business Meeting

1. Meeting time and location
a. Friday, May 26, 2023 from 5:15pm-6:45pm PDT in person and via LASA's virtual hub.

2. Attendance
a. 12 members joined, meeting the 10% quorum requirement (81 members).

3. Discussion included:

work done, budget, section prize, elections, feedback, and reminder of events. For a full report, see Appendix A.

B. Results of Section Election

Nominations opened for: Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Council Member, and two Graduate Student Council Members. The two positions for student members remain open at the moment of the annual business meeting.

Information of each new officer:
1. *Joaquin Villanueva, Vice-President, Gustavus Adolphus College.
2. *Ivette Guzmán Zavala, Secretary, Lebanon Valley College.
3. *Brett Robert, Treasurer, University of Pennsylvania.
4. *Mónica Ocasio Vega, Council Member, Trinity University (Fall 2023).

For a list of the Outgoing (2022-23) and Incoming (2023-24) Executive Council, see Appendix B. *Election not required; only one nomination was received.

C. Report of Term Activities and Plans for the Coming Term

The primary activity during this term was the section's inaugural conference held on March 17-18, 2023. The activities that could be done during the next term include: a collaboration with PRSA about the book-writing process, a post-conference conversation with the Puerto Rican Foundation for the Humanities, and activities suggested by the membership.

D. Section Prize and Selection Process

The winner of the LASA PR Section's Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies ($200) was Joaquin Villanueva (Gustavus Adolphus College) for his article, "The Criollo Bloc: Corruption Narratives and the Reproduction of Colonial Elites in Puerto Rico, 1860-1917." Nieve de los Ángeles Vázquez, Lawrence "Larry" La Fountain-Stokes, and Ismael García Colón reviewed 10 nominated articles.

Apéndice A: Informe sobre Asamblea

Appendix A: Report of Business Meeting

El Consejo Ejecutivo informó a la membresía sobre los siguientes puntos:
The Executive Council updated membership on the following points:

1. Número de miembres y quorum / Number of members & quorum
a) Al 26 de mayo de 2023, la Sección LASA Puerto Rico tiene 81 miembres.
As of May 26, 2023, the LASA Puerto Rico Section has 81 members.

b) El quorum requerido para realizar la Asamblea es el 10% de la membresía, o sea, 8.1 o 8 personas. The required quorum to hold the business meeting is 10% of the membership, so 8.1 or 8 people.

c) Se logró el quorum requerido porque al menos 8 miembres de la Sección LASA Puerto Rico estaban presentes al inicio de la Asamblea Quorum was reached because at least 8 members were present at the start of the business meeting.

d) Aurora mencionó que ha habido una baja en el número de miembres de la sección. También ofreció breve trasfondo histórico de la creación y enfoque de la sección de LASA Puerto Rico.
Aurora mentioned that there has been a decrease in the number of section members. She also offered a brief historical background regarding the creation and focus of the LASA Puerto Rico section.

e) La Asamblea tuvo una asistencia total de 12 miembres de la Sección y una persona no-miembre. Una persona proveyendo apoyo técnico a través de LASA también estuvo presente.
The business meeting had a total attendance of 12 Section members and 1 nonmember. A person providing technical support through LASA was also present.

Personas presentes: / People present:
1. Aurora Santiago Ortiz
2. Zorimar Rivera Montes
3. Joanna Camacho Escobar
4. Brett Robert
5. Jorell Meléndez Badillo
6. Enrique González
7. Lisa Ortiz
8. Lawrence "Larry" La Fountain-Stokes
9. Camilo Lund-Montano
10. Windy Cosme
11. Yvonne Captain
12. Marie Cruz Soto
13. Chip Carey- nonmember

2. Nota de bienvenida / Welcoming remarks
3. Aprobación de agenda / Agenda approval
4. Aprobación de minuta de asamblea 2022 / Approval of 2022 Business Meeting minutes
5. Informe sobre trabajos realizados / Report on work done

a) Conferencia "Tendiendo puentes, tejiendo solidaridades". La conferencia estaba pautada originalmente para septiembre de 2022. Debido al Huracán Fiona se tuvo que posponer. La conferencia se llevó a cabo en la Universidad Carlos Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico el 17 y 18 de marzo de 2023. Les conferenciantes magistrales fueron Dra. Rima Brusi-Gil de la Madrid y Dr. Lawrence "Larry" La Fountain-Stokes. Hubo 20 paneles y 92 participantes. La ganancia neta fue de $4,971.49. Para más información, vea el Apéndice C.
"Building Bridges, Weaving Solidarities" Conference. The conference was originally scheduled for September 2022. Due to Hurricane Fiona it had to be postponed. The conference took place at the Carlos Albizu University, San Juan, Puerto Rico on March 17-18, 2023. The keynote speakers were Dr. Rima Brusi-Gil de la Madrid and Dr. Lawrence "Larry" La Fountain-Stokes. There were 20 panels and 92 participants. Net earnings were $4,971.49. For more information, see Appendix C.

6. Presupuesto / Budget

a) Al 26 de mayo de 2023, LASA PR tiene $3,414.50. De la ganancia de la conferencia ($4,971.49) se usarán fondos para pagar la recepción del Congreso Vancouver, el cual costó $1,469.84. El total de fondos disponibles en la sección es de $6,916.50.
As of May 26, 2023, LASA PR has $3,414.50. Of the conference earnings ($4,971.49), funds will be used to pay for the reception at the Vancouver Congress. The reception cost $1,469.84. The total amount of funds available in the section as of 6/6/23 is $6,916.50.

7. Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños. ($200). Ver Apéndice D.

a) "The Criollo Bloc: Corruption Narratives and the Reproduction of Colonial Elites in Puerto Rico, 1860-1917" (Revista CENTRO) por Joaquin Villanueva.
b) Menciones Honoríficas:
1. "Dancing in an Enclosure: Activism and Mourning in the Puerto Rican Summer of 2019" (Revista Small Axe) por Arnaldo Cruz Malavé. Se traducirá a un libro en español publicado por Editora Educación Emergente.
2. "Instruments of Colonialism: Historicizing Corruption and Abuse in Puerto Rico Police" (Revista CENTRO) por Mónica Jiménez y Marisol LeBrón

Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies. ($200). See Appendix D.
a) "The Criollo Bloc: Corruption Narratives and the Reproduction of Colonial Elites in Puerto Rico, 1860-1917" (CENTRO Journal) by Joaquin Villanueva.
b) Honorable Mentions:
1. "Dancing in an Enclosure: Activism and Mourning in the Puerto Rican Summer of 2019" (Small Axe Journal) by Arnaldo Cruz Malavé. Will be translated to book in Spanish published by Editora Educación Emergente.
2. "Instruments of Colonialism: Historicizing Corruption and Abuse in Puerto Rico Police" (CENTRO Journal) by Mónica Jiménez y Marisol LeBrón.

8. Elecciones de nueves miembres del Consejo / Election for new Council members

a) Se abrió el espacio para aceptar nominaciones para Vice-Presidente, Secretarie, Tesorere, Vocal, y Vocales de Estudiantes Graduades durante la Asamblea. No se recibieron otras nominaciones. Para una lista de los miembres del Consejo Entrante del año 2023-24, ver Apéndice B.
The space was opened to accept nominations for Vice-Chair, Council Member, and Graduate Student Council Member during the business meeting. No other nominations were received. For a list of the members of the Incoming Council for year 2023-24, see Appendix B.

9. Retroalimentación de los miembres / Feedback from members

a) Conferencia
1. Se llevará a cabo una segunda conferencia en dos años.
A second conference will be held in two years.
2. Zorimar sugirió la consideración de una iniciativa durante el año entre el año de conferencias. Parecido a PRSA, puede ser algo dirigido a estudiantes graduades que se lleva a cabo virtualmente.
Zorimar suggested the consideration of an initiative during conference off years. Like PRSA, it could be directed toward graduate students and virtual.
3. Windy explicó que, en el mes de marzo, hubo muchas actividades académicas en Puerto Rico. De continuar las mismas en el futuro, quizás se puede cambiar fecha para que haya más participación.
Windy explained that there were many academic activities during the month of March. If these continue in the future, changing the date can be considered in order to attract greater participation.
4. Joanna mencionó que, durante la conferencia, ella y Larry hablaron sobre la dificultad de mantener a la gente en la conferencia debido a otros intereses (ver familia, visitar otros lugares, etc.).
Joanna mentioned that she and Larry spoke during the conference about the difficulty in maintaining people at the conference due to competing interests (seeing family, visiting other places, etc.).
5. Meses sugeridos para futuras conferencias: julio, agosto, diciembre.
Suggested months for future conferences: July, August, December.
6. Lisa sugirió hacer un sondeo a la membresía sobre cuándo hacer la próxima conferencia, especialmente miembres en Puerto Rico, para continuar centrando el propósito original de acceso a las personas en Puerto Rico, propósito pensado originalmente por Jorell y Aurora.
Lisa suggested asking the membership about when to do next conference, especially members in Puerto Rico, in order to continue centering the original purpose of access for people in Puerto Rico, a purpose originally considered by Jorell and Aurora.
7. Se sugirió ofrecer la conferencia solo por un día y quizás en un recinto de la UPR o no en San Juan.
A suggestion was offered to hold the conference for only one day and maybe at a UPR campus and not in San Juan.
8. Se sugirió ofrecer la opción de transmisión simultánea.
The suggestion to offer simultaneous transmission was offered.
9. Aurora explicó que la conferencia no nos costó mucho debido al auspicio de la Universidad Carlos Albizu. Para el futuro, se puede considerar la Universidad Ana G. Méndez también debido al espacio, estructura, y les contactes que tenemos ahí.
Aurora explained that the conference did not cost us a lot because of the sponsorship of the Carlos Albizu University. For the future, the Ana G. Méndez University could be considered given the space, structure, and people we have there.
10. Marie Cruz Soto mostró apoyo a las ideas antes compartidas y mencionó que uno de los beneficios de presentar en la conferencia fue poder conectar y presentar junto a personas con quienes no hubiera coincidido.
Marie Cruz Soto supported the ideas previously shared and mentioned that one of the benefits of presenting at the conference was being able to connect and present alongside others with whom she wouldn't have coincided.
11. Brett también mostró apoyo a las ideas, a considerar paneles virtuales en los años que no se lleve a cabo la conferencia, y mencionó que uno de los puntos importantes de hacer la conferencia en Puerto Rico fue la ventaja de aumentar las comunicaciones entre ambas regiones, la asistencia de bastantes estudiantes graduades y subgraduades.
Brett also supported the ideas, to consider virtual panels on conference off-years, and mentioned that one of the important points in doing the conference in Puerto Rico was the benefit of increasing communications between regions, the attendance of many graduate and undergraduate students.
12. Jorell también mostró apoyo a las ideas de Zorimar y del sondeo. Explicó que hay otras organizaciones en Puerto Rico interesades en colaborar tales como la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades and Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Jorell also supported Zorimar's ideas and the suggestion to ask the membership. He also explained that there are other organizations in Puerto Rico interested in collaborating such as the Puerto Rican Foundation for the Humanities and University of Puerto Rico.
b) Otras actividades e iniciativas pasadas y futuras / other past and future activities and initiatives
1. Aurora compartió que hay dos eventos percolando:
Aurora shared that there are two events being potentially planned:
a. Una colaboración con PRSA para un taller titulado "How I wrote it" que se llevará a cabo en junio o julio.
A collaboration with PRSA for a workshop titled "How I wrote it" that will be held in June or July.
b. Una conversación post-conferencia. El contacto es Sonya Canetti de la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades. Hay fondos para una posible colaboración.
A post-conference conversation. The contact is Sonya Canetti of the Puerto Rican Foundation of the Humanities. There are funds for a possible collaboration.
2. Windy mencionó que hay oportunidades de solicitar $3,000 y $20,000 a través de una organización 501c3.
Windy mentioned there are opportunities to request funds for $3,000 and $20,000 through a 501c3 organization.
3. Crear volumen de las ponencias de las conferencias.
Make an edited volume of the conference presentations.
c) Mociones / Motions
1. Aurora presentó moción para enviar un sondeo a la membresía para que ofrezcan sugerencias o retroalimentación sobre qué tipo de actividades les gustaría ver en este próximo año. La moción fue secundada y aprobada por unanimidad. El sondeo se enviará dentro de las próximas 1-2 semanas.
Aurora presented a motion to send a survey to the membership for suggestions or feedback about what type of activities they would like to see in the next year. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. The survey will be sent in 1-2 weeks.
2. Moción para ofrecer becas anuales para facultad contingente o precaria y estudiante graduade. La inversión de una membresía All Access es alrededor de $300.
Motion to offer annual scholarship to adjunct faculty and graduate student. The investment for an All Access membership is around $300.
a. Hubo discusión sobre si la beca será para panelistas en mesas auspiciadas por la sección de Puerto Rico o panelistas en cualquier panel.
There was a discussion about if the scholarship would be for panelists in panels sponsored by the Puerto Rico section or panelists on any panel.
b. Moción final: Moción para crear dos becas anuales mientras haya fondos para (1) facultad contingente o precaria en Puerto Rico y (2) estudiante graduade sin condición de donde se encuentre. La moción fue secundada y aprobada por unanimidad.
Final motion. Motion to create two scholarships while funds are available for (1) contingent faculty in Puerto Rico and (2) graduate student without a condition of where they are located. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
d) Lisa sugirió consideración futura para la creación de un premio de libro aún si no haya fondos para dar premio monetario. Jorell ofreció contexto de por qué no tenemos un premio de libro. Como PRSA ofrece un premio de libro, en el pasado, LASA-PR acordó tener una opción diferente y ofrecer un premio para un artículo.
Lisa suggested future consideration for the creation of a book prize even if there are not funds to offer monetary prize. Jorell offered context as to why we don't have a book prize. Since PRSA offers a book prize, in the past, LASA-PR agreed to have a different option and offer a prize for an article.

10. Recordatorio de nuestros eventos / Reminder of our events
Ver Apéndice E / See Appendix E
11. Cierre de la reunión / Meeting closing

Apéndice B: Lista de Miembres Salientes (2022-23) y Entrantes (2023-24) del Consejo Ejecutivo
Appendix B: List of Outgoing (2022-23) and Incoming (2023-24) Members of the Executive Council
Consejo Saliente / Outgoing Council

1. Aurora SANTIAGO ORTIZ (Presidenta / Chair)
University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
2. Zorimar RIVERA MONTES (Vice-Presidenta / Vice-Chair)
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
3. Lisa ORTIZ (Secretaria / Secretary)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4. José ATILES (Tesorero / Treasurer)
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
5. Esther RODRÍGUEZ MIRANDA (Vocal / Council Member)
Independent Scholar, Puerto Rico
6. Joanna CAMACHO ESCOBAR (Vocal / Council Member)
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
7. Lisa JAHN (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member)
City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York
*No completó la duración del término del puesto. / Did not complete the position's term duration.
8. Eddie Joel PESANTE (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member) City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York
9. *No completó la duración del término del puesto. / Did not complete the position's term duration.
10. Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA MENDOZA (Pasada Presidenta Saliente / Outgoing Past Chair) Colgate University, Hamilton, New York

Consejo Entrante / Incoming Council

1. Zorimar RIVERA MONTES (Presidenta / Chair)
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
2. Joaquin VILLANUEVA (Vice-Presidente / Vice-Chair)
Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minnesota
3. Ivette GUZMÁN ZAVALA (Secretaria / Secretary)
Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania
4. Brett ROBERT (Tesorero / Treasurer)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5. Joanna CAMACHO ESCOBAR (Vocal / Council Member)
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
6. Mónica OCASIO VEGA (Vocal / Council Member)
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
7. Aurora SANTIAGO ORTIZ (Pasada Presidenta Saliente / Outgoing Past Chair)
University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Apéndice C: Trabajo Realizado discutidos en la Asamblea
Appendix C: Work Done discussed in Business Meeting


Apéndice D: Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños
Appendix D: Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies

Apéndice E: Recepción y Mesas Restantes (y pasadas) auspiciados por LASA PR
Appendix E: Reception and Remaining (and past) panels sponsored by LASA PR




A. Asamblea

1. Hora y lugar

a. viernes, 6 de mayo de 2022 de 6:00pm-7:30pm PST vía el portal virtual de LASA.

2. Asistencia

a. Once personas participaron, cumpliendo con el 10% del quorum requerido (89 miembres).

3. Discusión incluyó: consejo saliente, presupuesto, trabajos realizados, elecciones, y eventos.Para un informe completo, ver Apéndice 1.

B. Resultados de elección

Se aceptaron nominaciones para: Vice-Presidente, Vocal, y Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades. Las elecciones para Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades ocurrieron del 15 al 20 de mayo. Veinticinco miembres votaron: 14 para Eddie Joel Pesante y 11 Rafael Capó. Información para cada miembre nuevo:

a. *Zorimar Rivera Montes, Vice-Presidenta, Washington University in St. Louis.

b. *Joanna Camacho Escobar, Vocal, The University of New Mexico.

c. Eddie Joel Pesante, Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades, CUNY Graduate Center.

Para una lista del Consejo Ejecutivo 2022-2023, véa Apéndice 2.

*Elección no requerida ya que sólo hubo una nominación.

C. Informe sobre actividades durante este término y planes para el siguiente

Para trabajos realizados antes de la Asamblea, vea el punto #8 del Apéndice 1 y vea Apéndice 3. La actividad principal durante el término entrante será el simposio inaugural de la sección.Para un informe completo, ver Apéndice 1.

D. Premio y proceso de selección

El ganador del Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños ($200) fue Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (University of Michigan) por su artículo, “Boricuas Cruzando Fronteras: Autobiografías y Testimonios Trans Puertorriqueños.” Marie Cruz Soto, Karieann Soto Vega, y Javier Alemán evaluaron 11 ensayos nominados.


A. Business Meeting

1. Meeting time and location

a. Friday, May 6, 2022 from 6:00pm-7:30pm PST via LASA’s virtual hub.

2. Attendance

a. Eleven people joined, meeting the 10% quorum requirement (89 members).

3. Discussion included: outgoing council, budget, work done, section prize, elections, and events. For a full report, see Appendix 1.

B. Results of Section Election

Nominations opened for: Vice-Chair, Council Member, and Graduate Student Council Member. Elections took place May 15-20th for Graduate Student Council Member. Twenty-five members voted: 14 for Eddie Joel Pesante and 11 for Rafael Capó. Information of each new officer:

a. *Zorimar Rivera Montes, Vice-Chair, Washington University in St. Louis.

b. *Joanna M. Camacho Escobar, Council Member, The University of New Mexico.

c. Eddie Joel Pesante, Graduate Student Council Member, CUNY Graduate Center, 

For a list of the 2022-2023 Executive Council, see Appendix 2.

*Election not required; only one nomination was received.

C. Review of Term Activities and Plans for the Coming Term

For work done up until the business meeting, see point #8 of Appendix 1 and see Appendix 3. The primary activity during this coming term will be the section’s inaugural conference.

D. Section Prize and Selection Process

The winner of the LASA PR Section’s Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies ($200) was Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (University of Michigan) for his article, “Boricuas Cruzando Fronteras: Autobiografías y Testimonios Trans Puertorriqueños.” Marie Cruz Soto, Karieann Soto Vega, and Javier Alemán reviewed 11 nominated essays.  

Apéndice 1:

Informe sobre Asamblea
Appendix 1: Report of Business Meeting

El Consejo Ejecutivo informó a la membresía sobre los siguientes puntos:

The Executive Council updated membership on the following points:

1. Número de miembres y quorum / Number of members & quorum

a) Al 6 de mayo de 2022, la Sección LASA Puerto Rico tiene 89 miembres. As of May 6, 2022, the LASA Puerto Rico Section has 89 members.

b) El quorum requerido para realizar la Asamblea es el 10% de la membresía, o sea, 8.9 o 9 personas.

The required quorum to hold the business meeting is 10% of the membership, so 8.9 or 9 people.

c) Se logró el quorum requerido porque 9 miembres de la Sección LASA Puerto Rico estaban presentes al inicio de la Asamblea

Quorum was reached because 9 members were present at the start of the business meeting.

d) La Asamblea tuvo una asistencia total de 10 miembres de la Sección y una invitada. Una persona proveyendo apoyo técnico a través de LASA también estuvo presente.

The business meeting had a total attendance of 10 Section members and 1 invitee. A person providing technical support through LASA was also present.

2. Nota de bienvenida / Welcoming remarks
3. Aprobación de agenda / Agenda approval
4. Introducción de personas presentes al iniciar
Introduction of attendees that were present at the start

a) Aurora Santiago Ortiz, Presidenta Entrante, se estará uniendo a la Universidad de Wisconsin Madison como Catedrática Auxiliar. Aurora Santiago Ortiz, Incoming Chair, will be joining the University of Wisconsin Madison as Assistant Professor.

b) Jorell Meléndez Badillo, Pasado Presidente Saliente, se estará uniendo a la Universidad de Wisconsin Madison como Catedrático Auxiliar. Jorell Meléndez Badillo, Outgoing Past President, will be joining the University of Wisconsin Madison as Assistant Professor.

c) Lisa Ortiz, Secretaria actual, Catedrática Auxiliar, Universidad de Pittsburgh. Lisa Ortiz, current Secretary, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh.

d) José Atiles, Tesorero actual, Catedrático Auxiliar, Universidad de Illinois. José Atiles, current Treasurer, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois.

e) Roberto Vélez Vélez, Vocal Saliente, SUNY New Paltz. Roberto Vélez Vélez, Outgoing Council Member, SUNY New Paltz.

f) Jacqueline Villarrubia-Mendoza, Presidenta Saliente, Colgate University. Jacqueline Villarrubia-Mendoza, Outgoing Chair, Colgate University.

g) Esther Rodríguez Miranda, Vocal actual, Investigadora Independiente. Esther Rodríguez Miranda, current Council Member, Independent Scholar.

h) Joanna Camacho, Vocal Entrante, Consejera Académica, La Universidad de Nuevo México. Joanna Camacho, incoming Council Member, Academic Advisor, The University of New Mexico.

i) Ivette Guzmán Zavala, miembre de la sección, Profesora, Lebanon Valley College. Ivette Guzmán Zavala, section member, Professor, Lebanon Valley College.

j) Brett Robert, miembre de la sección, Estudiante Graduade, Universidad de Pennsylvania. Brett Robert, section member, Graduate Student, University of Pennsylvania.

5. Aprobación de minuta de asamblea 2021 / Approval of 2021 Business Meeting minutes
6. Presentación del Consejo Saliente / Presentation of Outgoing Council

a) Jacqueline Villarrubia-Mendoza, Presidenta / Chair

b) Aurora Santiago Ortiz, Vice-Presidenta / Vice-Chair

c) Lisa Ortiz, Secretaria / Secretary

d) José Atiles, Tesorero / Treasurer

e) Windy M. Cosme Rosario, Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member

f) Lisa Jahn, Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member

g) Esther Rodríguez Miranda, Vocal / Council Member

h) Roberto Vélez Vélez, Vocal / Council Member

i) Jorell Meléndez Badillo, Pasado Presidente / Past Chair

7. Presupuesto / Budget

a) Al 1 de mayo de 2022, LASA PR tiene $3,081.55. As of May 1, 2022, LASA PR has $3, 081.55.

8. Informe sobre trabajos realizados / Report on work done

a) Dos mesas para la sección de Puerto Rico LASA. Ver Apéndice 3.

Two LASA Puerto Rico Panels. See Appendix 3.

1. Estudios Emergentes sobre Desastres: Infraestructura en Puerto Rico / Emerging Disaster Studies: Infrastructure in Puerto Rico

2. Imaginando la Puertorriqueñidad: Reflexiones sobre la Identidad / Imagining Puerto Ricanness: Reflections on Identity

b) Una colaboración con la Asociación de Estudios Puertorriqueños. Ver Apéndice 3. / A collaboration with the Puerto Rican Studies Association. See Appendix 3.

1. Panel: Rompiendo el Mito sobre el Mercado de Trabajo Académico y Académico Alterno. El evento se llevó a cabo el miércoles, 13 de octubre, 5:30-7pm EST. Panel: Demystifying the Academic/Alt-AC Job Market. The event took place on Wednesday, October 13th, 5:30-7pm EST.

c) Coauspicio del lanzamiento del libro de Jorell Meléndez Badillo: The Lettered Barriada: Workers, Archival Power, and the Politics of Knowledge in Puerto Rico. El evento se llevó a cabo el jueves, 10 de febrero, 4-5pm EST. Co-sponsored Jorell Meléndez Badillo’s book launch: The Lettered Barriada: Workers, Archival Power, and the Politics of Knowledge in Puerto Rico. The event took place on Thursday, February 10th, 4-5pm EST.

d) Planificación del Simposio Inaugural de la Sección de LASA PR, Tendiendo Puentes, Tejiendo Solidaridades a llevarse a cabo del 23 al 25 de septiembre en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Una convocatoria se está distribuyendo ampliamente en y fuera de Puerto Rico. Se creó una página electronica la cual será actualizada regularmente. Ver Apéndice 3. Planning of the LASA PR Section Inaugural Conference, Building Bridges, Weaving Solidarities to take place between September 23-25, 2022 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A Call for Proposals is being distributed widely in and outside of Puerto Rico. A website was created and will be regularly updated. See Appendix 3.

e) Proceso de nominación y proceso de selección de evaluadores para el Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños. Nomination process and selection process of reviewers for the Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies.

9. Premio Blanca G. Silvestrini para Artículo Sobresaliente en los Estudios Puertorriqueños

a) “Boricuas Cruzando Fronteras: Autobiografías y Testimonios Trans Puertorriqueños” por Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes. Ver Apéndice 3.

Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies

b) “Boricuas Cruzando Fronteras: Autobiografías y Testimonios Trans Puertorriqueños” by Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes. See Appendix 3.

10. Nominaciones para elecciones / Election nominations

a) Se compartieron descripciones cortas de nominades para Vice-Presidenta y Vocal. Short descriptions of nominees for Vice-Chair and Council Member were shared.

b) Se abrió el espacio para aceptar nominaciones para Vice-Presidente, Vocal, y Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades durante la Asamblea. No se recibieron otras nominaciones. The space was opened to accept nominations for Vice-Chair, Council Member, and Graduate Student Council Member during the business meeting. No other nominations were received.

11. Recordatorio de nuestros eventos / Reminder of our events
12. Paneles restantes auspiciados por LASA PR. Ver Apéndice 3. / Remaining Panels sponsored by LASA PR. See Appendix 3.
13. Paneles restantes sobre PR/Puertorriqueñes. Ver Apéndice 3. / Remaining panels about PR/Puerto Ricans. See Appendix 3.
14. Meeting closing


Apéndice 2: Lista de Miembres del Consejo Ejecutivo 2022-2023

Appendix 2: List of Members of the 2022-2023 Executive Council

  • Aurora SANTIAGO ORTIZ (Presidenta / Chair) University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
  • Zorimar RIVERA MONTES (Vice-Presidenta / Vice-Chair) Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,
  • Lisa ORTIZ (Secretaria / Secretary) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • José ATILES (Tesorero / Treasurer) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
  • Lisa JAHN (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member) City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York.
  • Eddie Joel PESANTE (Vocal de Estudiantes Graduades / Graduate Student Council Member) City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, New York.
  • Esther RODRÍGUEZ MIRANDA (Vocal / Council Member) Independent Researcher.
  • Joanna CAMACHO ESCOBAR (Vocal / Council Member) The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Apéndice 3: Volantes de Eventos y Trabajos Realizados discutidos en la Asamblea

Appendix 3: Flyers of Events and Work Done discussed in Business Meeting




Asamblea Anual (Annual Business Meeting) 27 de mayo de 2021 / 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm

Consejo saliente 2020-2021

Jorell A. MELÉNDEZ-BADILLO (Chair / Presidente) Dartmouth College, Hanover, Nuevo Hampshire

Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA-MENDOZA (Vice Chair / Vice Presidenta) Colgate University, Hamilton, Nueva York

Raymond LAUREANO-ORTIZ (Secretary / Secretario) Independent Scholar, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Aurora SANTIAGO-ORTIZ (Treasurer / Tesorera) University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst), Amherst, Massachusetts

Sarah MOLINARI (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) The Graduate Center at the City University of New York (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Nueva York, Nueva York

Windy M. COSME ROSARIO (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras (UPR Río Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico

Roberto VÉLEZ-VÉLEZ (Council Member / Vocal) State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY New Paltz), New Paltz, Nueva York

Puntos discutidos en la Asamblea:

1) Número de miembrxs y quorum / Number of Members & Quorum

a) Al 27 de mayo de 2021, la Sección LASA Puerto Rico tiene 124 miembros.

b) El quorum requerido para realizar la Asamblea es el 10% de la membresía, o sea, 12.4 o 13 personas.

c) Se logró el quorum requerido porque 16 miembros de la Sección LASA Puerto Rico estaban presentes al inicio de la Asamblea.

d) La Asamblea tuvo una asistencia total de 21 miembros de la Sección, 3 invitados no miembros y la persona de apoyo técnico de LASA.

2) Nota de bienvenida / Welcoming Remarks
3) Aprobación de agenda / Agenda Approval
4) Aprobación de minuta de asamblea 2020 / Approval of 2020 Business Meeting Minutes
5) Informes sobre los trabajos realizados / Reports on Work Done  Véase el Apéndice
6) Presupuesto / Budget

 $2,711.55 (al 19 de mayo de 2021)

7) Premio Silvestrini para un Artículo Destacado en Estudios Puertorriqueños / Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies


Marie CRUZ SOTO, “The Making of Viequenses: Militarized Colonialism and Reproductive Rights,” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 19, no. 2 (October 2020): 360-382.


Adriana GARRIGA-LÓPEZ, “Debt, Crisis, and Resurgence in Puerto Rico,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 62, no. 2 (July 2020): 122-132.

8)Resultado de elecciones: Consejo 2021-2022 / Election Results: 2021-2022 Council

a) Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA-MENDOZA (Chair / Presidenta) Un año Colgate University, Hamilton, Nueva York

b) Aurora SANTIAGO-ORTIZ (Vice Chair / Vice Presidenta) Un año University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

c) Lisa ORTIZ (Secretary / Secretaria) Dos años University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

d) José M. ATILES-OSORIA (Treasurer / Tesorero) Dos años University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois

e) Windy M. COSME ROSARIO (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs)Un año Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras (UPR Río Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico

f) Lisa FIGUEROA JAHN (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) Dos años The Graduate Center at the City University of New York (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Nueva York, Nueva York

g) Roberto VÉLEZ-VÉLEZ (Council Member / Vocal) Un año State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY New Paltz), New Paltz, Nueva York

h) Esther RODRÍGUEZ MIRANDA (Council Member / Vocal) Dos años Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón (UPR Bayamón), Bayamón, Puerto Rico

i) Jorell A. MELÉNDEZ-BADILLO (Immediate Past Chair / Pasado Presidente Inmediato) Un año Dartmouth College, Hanover, Nuevo Hampshire

Raymond LAUREANO-ORTIZ Secretary / Secretario

Jorell A. MELÉNDEZ-BADILLO Chair / Presidente

Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA-MENDOZA Vice Chair / Vice Presidenta  




Section Annual Report: Section Business Report (2020)

I. Report of the Business Meeting

a. Attendance: 17 members present (which is more than the required 10%)

b. Points Discussed:

  • Welcoming Remarks
  • Agenda Approval
  • Reports: Works done over the past year
  • Budge
  • Number of Members
  • Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies Report: Meeting with Section Chairs
  • Elections
  • Feedback from Active Members
  • Upcoming Events
  • Final Comments
II. List of Current Board Members
  • Jorell A. MELÉNDEZ-BADILLO (Co-Chair / Co-Presidente) Dartmouth College, Hanover, Nuevo Hampshire
  • Rachell SÁNCHEZ RIVERA (Co-Chair / Co-Presidente) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Reino Unido
  • Aurora SANTIAGO-ORTIZ (Treasurer / Tesorera) University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst), Amherst, Massachusetts
  • Raymond LAUREANO-ORTIZ (Secretary / Secretario) Universidad Ana G. Méndez (UAGM), Gurabo, Puerto Rico
  • Mayra VELÉZ SERRANO (Council Member / Vocal) Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras (UPR-RP), San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Sarah MOLINARI (Graduate Student Council Member / Vocal de Estudiantes Graduadxs) The Graduate Center at the City University of New York (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Nueva York, Nueva Yok
III. Results of Section’s Elections

1) Jacqueline VILLARRUBIA-MENDOZA (Vice-president: 2 years)

  • Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
  • Colgate University

2) Roberto VÉLEZ-VÉLEZ (Council Member: 2 years)

  • Department of Sociology / Program of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • State University of New York – New Paltz

3) Danelle GUTARRA CORDERO (Council Member: 1 year)

  • Lecturer in African American Studies & Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Princeton University

4) Windy M. COSME ROSARIO (Graduate Council Member: 2 years)

  • Candidata Doctoral en Historia
  • Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

5) Raymond Laureano-Ortiz (Secretary: 2 years)

  • Assistant Professor
  • Universidad Ana G. Mendez, Recinto de Gurabo
IV. Review of the Term Activities and Plans for the Coming Term

Creation of: 

  • Town Halls
  • Workshops
  • Writing Groups
  • Member of Week o Recruitment/Community Building
  • Micro-congress Puerto Rico (2022)
  • Survey of needs
  • List serves
V. Names of Section’s grantees and awardees

1) Winner of: Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies

  • Awardee: Hilda Lloréns (Associate Professor of Anthropology, The University of Rhode Island) and Maritza Stanhich (Professor of English at University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras)
  • Title: “’Water is life, but the colony is a necropolis’: Environmental Terrains of Struggle in Puerto Rico" by Hilda LLORÉNS and Maritza STANCHICH. Published in Cultural Dynamics 31:1-2 (2019).

2) Honorific Mention:

  • Cristina Pérez Jiménez (Assistant Professor of English at Manhattan College)
  • Title: “Puerto Rican Colonialism, Caribbean Radicalism, and Pueblo Hispano's Inter-Nationalist Alliance” by Cristina PÉREZ JIMÉNEZ. Published in Small Axe 60 (November 2019).




1. Our Business Meeting took place Saturday, May 25th, 2019. It was attended by 11 of our members. We are attaching another document to this email with all of the things discussed in the meeting. Our inaugural reception at La Fábrica Central in Cambridge, MA took place on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 and was attended by more than 100 people.

2. We did not have elections this year, and expect to do so next year in LASA Guadalajara.

The Section’s Council is as follows:

- Jorell A. Meléndez-Badillo, Dartmouth College, Co-Chair, 2018-2020

- Rachell Sánchez, University of Cambridge, Co-Chair, 2018-2020

- Raymond Laureano, Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Secretary, 2018-2020

- Aurora Santiago-Ortiz, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Treasurer, 2018-2020

- Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology, Council Member, 2018-2020

- Harry Franqui-Rivera, Bloomfield College, Council Member, 2018-2020

- Mayra Vélez-Serrano, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, Council member, 2018-2020

- Sarah Molinari, CUNY Graduate Center, Graduate Student Council Member, 2018-2020

3. LASA Puerto Rico has a vibrant agenda for the next year.

Some of them are:

a) LASA PR – Newsletter: - We will have our first newsletter in August 2019, and will continue to publish it online bi-annually.

b) Member of the Week: - Using our social media, we will be showcasing our members’ work and contributions to the fields of Puerto Rican Studies

c) Prizes: - We will continue with the “Blanca G. Silvestrini Prize for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies” - In LASA Guadalajara we will also be inaugurating the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Impact in Puerto Rican Studies ”

d) Travel Grants for Graduate Students and Adjunct Faculty

e) We have three (3) panels for LASA Guadalajara:

- On July 15, 2019 we will be releasing a Call for Papers to give our members the opportunity to submit proposals.

4. The names of the Section’s grantees. The names of the selection committee members and a description of the selection process. The following information should be included for the awardees:

• LASA-Puerto Rico • Blanca G. Silvestrini Award for Outstanding Article in Puerto Rican Studies

• Selection Committee:

• Solsiree del Moral, Amherst College

• José Fusté, UC-San Diego

• Sandy Plácido, Queens College

• Awardee: Petra Rivera-Rideau

• Wellesley College

• “Petra R. Rivera-Rideau; “If I Were You”: Tego Calderón’s Diasporic Interventions. Small Axe 1 March 2018; 22 (1 (55)): 55–69.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/07990537-4378924


Eventos académicos (5)

Eventos sociales (2)

Planificación de evento
(pospuesto preliminarmente para julio 2022)

Llamados (2)

Eventos en Congreso LASA 2021 (4)

Premio Silvestrini