Migraciones, Desplazamientos y Movilidades

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association


Migration, Displacement and Mobilities Section Report 2023

A) Summary of the business meeting

The Business Meeting for the Migration, Displacement and Mobilities Section was held on Thursday May 25, 2023, 1:00 pm to 2:45 pm, and 15 people were present at one stage or another. The meeting was hybrid, with some people connecting virtually and others attending in person. The agenda for the Business Meeting was as follows:


- Formal presentation of the two co-chairs (Beatriz and Anastasia)

- Short presentation of all attendees

- Announcement of upcoming call for the election of one co-chair, with the other one remaining in the Board an extra year to ease the transition

- Announcement of the new Board we have and of an opportunity to renew some of the members

- Summary of the themes discussed in the meeting with all Section chairs

- Announcement of the LASA-Africa Conference, highlighting the opportunity to reinforce ties between these two regions, especially in migration and mobility issues

- Summary of activities carried out this past year (since May 2022)

- Presentation of the Section Paper Awards

- Other businesses, questions, comments…

Among the issues raised in interventions from different members, we discussed how to maintain and increase communications within the Section, collaborative events between members, and how to recruit more members for the Section. We also talked about the next LASA congress which is going to be in Bogota, which was very celebrated by those who were present in the meeting and organizing a pre-conference which is very timely for our section given the impact of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis in the region and specially in Colombia. Our members would like to see more meetings taking place in Latin America.

B) The results of the section’s elections, including the names, position, email, affiliation, and term.The officers who continue their terms must also be listed with their corresponding email and term.

Elections have not been carried out yet. But we agreed to renew one of the co-chairs and some of the members of the Board after the Congress. We plan to retake this after the summer, in September 2023.

C) A review of the activities carried out last term and upcoming ones

This past year we have had fewer activities than in previous ones, partly because since the pandemic there has been a surge of virtual events and there is increased tiredness about this. The co-Chairs have had several meetings with the Board during which we discussed ways to increase activities but it was difficult.

Among the activities carried out we would like to highlight the introduction of a new sub-section in our institutional web page dedicated to publications. The idea was shared with Section members during the Business Meeting, and we discussed how to organize it and what to include here: members’ latest publications, other publications of interest, events organized to launch specific publications, etc.

We also discussed and are currently considering launching a call for the recruitment of one or two students as interns who would help make more dynamic communications within and outside the Section, through our website, social media, etc. And in return, we could offer some compensation, such as paying their membership for a year.

Another activity was the organization of the Paper Award Competition, with results announced during the Business Meeting, which was attended by one of the winners. This gave her the opportunity to briefly present her paper to the rest of the participants.

Apart from this, for LASA 2023, our section sponsored 3 panels chosen from the seven proposals received, as it follows:

- People with Migration Experiences as Social and Political Agents in the Mexican Context

- Entre la frontera humanitaria y la proliferación del trocherismo. Dinámicas de reforzamiento de control, violencia en los tránsitos y cruces fronterizos ilegalizados en América latina.

- “Welcome to Mexico? How does government and population respond to migrants and refugees?”

Additionally, the program track “Migrations and Refugees” approved 17 panels/round tables. And, the Institute for the Studies of Latin America and the Caribbean sponsored a Round Table entitled “The rights of migrants from and in Latin America versus securitization and humanitarism. Several members of our Section participated in this round table, including the two co-chairs and other members of the Board.

Our section together with the Gender and Feminist Studies and Central America Sections held an intersectional round table on “Racism and Sexism: silenced and hidden violence in Academia and Professional Organizations”. Participants in the round table were: Maria Emilia Barbosa, José Cal Montoya, Castriela Hernández Reyes, Beatriz Padilla, Lydia Possas and Monserrat Sagot.

Finally, for 2023 we have been granted three section panels, and we will be launching the call for this at the required time. There are also plans to Organize the new Paper Award Competition. There was a proposal equally to organize regular Section meetings virtually, at least two or three a year (in addition to the Business Meeting) where members could share what they are currently working on, a new project they are planning, or their most recent publications, thus enhancing opportunities for collaboration. This was received with approval by all participants in the Meeting and thus has become a priority for the upcoming year.

D) The names of the section’s awardees, the names of the selection committee members, and a description of the selection process. The following information should be included for the awardees:

Award Committee: Camelia Tigau (Universidad Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigación sobre América del Norte) and Cristian Doña Reveco (University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Awardees: Name, Affiliation and Title:

(1st place) Katherine Jensen, Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Racial Inequality through Legal Inclusion: A Processual Approach to Racialized Migrant Hierarchies.”

(2nd place) Deisy Del Real, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, "Gradations of Migrant Legality: The Impact of Multilayered Immigration Policies and Procedures on Immigrant Legalization and Livelihoods.”

LASA Sección Migraciones, Desplazamientos y Movilidades – Informe 2022

Reunión de Negocios (6 mayo 2022)

La reunión de negócios de la sección se llevó a cabo el 6 de mayo de 2022; estuvieron presentes aproximadamente 10 personas.

Lo primero que se hizo fue darle la bienvenida al nuevo Board de la sección que había sido elegido anteriormente, pero que entraron em funciones oficialmente a partir de la reunión. El Board está compuesto por:


  • Anastasia Bermúdez (Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Beatriz Padilla (University of South Florida & CIES-IUL)


  • Thais França Silva, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, CIES-IUL
  • Cristian Doña Reveco, University of Nebraska
  • Juan Camilo Molina, Universidad UTE / Universidad de Salamanca
  • Gisela Zapata Araujo, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Ximena Póo Figueroa, Universidad de Chile

Debido a la situación COVID-19 y a una menor actividad de la sección, preguntamos a los presentes si estaban de acuerdo con que las co-chairs continuasen un año más en sus funciones, considerando que el Board había sido renovado durante el año. Todos los presentes apoyaron la moción.

Asimismo se anunció el cambio de nombre de la sección de Migraciones Internacionales a Migraciones, desplazamientos y movilidades, el cual ya se oficializó. También, se hizo referencia al resultado del concurso de la sección. El mismo se otorgó a Macarena Bonhomme de la Universidad Autónoca de Chile, por su trabajo :“I’m poor but clean: Neoconventillos, race and the migrant issue in multicultural Chile”, quien no estuvo presente em la reunión.

Actividades realizadas durante el periodo 2021-2022

El segundo año consecutivo de la pandemia de COVID-19 continuó su fuerte impacto en la membresía y participación de la sección. Varias de las actividades pensadas no se realizaron debido al cansancio pandémico, especialmente manifestado hacia las actividades virtuales. Sin embargo, si se organizó el llamado a concurso para el premio de la sección. Para éste, una comisión realizó una revisión de las bases del concurso.

La sección patrocinó 3 paneles en el congreso virtual de LASA y co-organizó un panel interseccional juntamente con las secciones de Género y Estudios Feministas, Centroamérica y Latino Studies, como se detalla abajo:

Jueves, 5 de Mayo

188 // SEC - LASA Section Panel - Thursday, 02:00pm - 03:30pm

“Diversification, Hierarchies and Policies Affecting Migrants and Refugees Within Latin America and Between Latin America and Other World Regions”

Sponsor: International Migrations

Session Organizer: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida

Chair: Camelia Nicoleta Tigau, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Discussant: Ximena A. Poo Figueroa, Universidad de Chile


- El poder de insistir: una mirada desde el activismo migrante a las migraciones en tránsito en la frontera México-Estados Unidos: Adriana M. Medina, Red Pluriversitaria para la Construcción de Territorios en SumakKawsay (Buenos Vivires)

- Discursos sobre migraciones forzadas en Ecuador (2008-2019): una mirada a la construcción de su agenda política y mediática: Juan Camilo Molina, Universidad UTE / Universidad de Salamanca

- Hierarchical relations between South-South migrants: A debate through the case of Brazilians, Haitians, and Colombians in Santiago de Chile: Ariany Da Silva Villar, Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile

Viernes, 6 de Mayo

567 // SEC - LASA Section Panel - Friday, 04:00pm - 05:30pm

“Más allá del Estado”: entendiendo los actores de la gobernanza migratoria en América Latina

Sponsor: International Migrations

Session Organizers: Luciana Gandini, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y SUDIMER, UNAM; Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Margaret University

Chair: Gisela P. Zapata Araujo, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Discussant: Cristian A. Doña Reveco, University of Nebraska, Omaha


- Civil Society’s balancing acts: negotiating care, participation, and influence in migration governance in South America: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Margaret University

- Exploring the institutional assemblage of migration governance in Brazil: the role of Civil Society Organisations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Gisela P. Zapata Araujo, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

- Gobernanza migratoria en América Latina: actores y desafíos en la (post)pandemia: Luciana Gandini, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y SUDIMER, UNAM

- El gobierno humanitario de las organizaciones internacionales en el Perú: entre control y protección de la población migrante durante la crisis sanitaria por covid-19: Irene Palla, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú

Sábado, 7 de Mayo

692 // SEC - LASA Section Roundtable - Saturday, 10:00am - 11:30am

"Good Practices and Lessons Learned: Researching Venezuelan Migration in the Americas"

Sponsor: International Migrations Session

Organizer: Mauricio Palma-Gutierrez, University of Warwick

Chair: Mauricio Palma-Gutierrez, University of Warwick

Discussant: Esteban Devis-Amaya, Oxford Brookes University


  • Pablo Nicolas Biderbost, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Cécile Blouin, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Cristian A. Doña Reveco, University of Nebraska, Omaha
  • María Mercedes Eguiguren, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Mauricio Palma-Gutierrez, University of Warwick
  • Claudia F F. Vargas Ribas
  • Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Margaret University
  • Silvia Facal, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Domingo, 8 de Mayo

1004 // SEC - LASA Intersection Panel - Sunday, 12:00pm - 01:30pm

"Diálogos Interdisciplinarios: identidades, territorios, y transformaciones sociales"

Sponsor: Latino Studies & Central America & Gender and Feminist Studies & International Migrations

Session Organizers: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida; María J. Azócar, Fundación Sol

Chair: Ximena A. Poo Figueroa, Universidad de Chile

Discussant: Ana Laura de Giorgi, Universidad de la República


- Mapeando las experiencias de latinoamerican@s, latinx y afrodescendientes latinx en la academia norteamericana – Defendiendo nuestro lugar: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida

- Diálogo de saberes y activismos interseccionales entre academia y organizaciones sociales/territoriales en el Cono Sur: aproximaciones críticas a los movimentos sociales actuales: Ximena A. Poo Figueroa, Universidad de Chile

- Tejiendo redes desde el Activismo Digital: Maria A. Gonzalez, Universidad del Norte

- Latinx Feminisms/ Femininismos Latinx: Collective Defining Academic-Activist Priorities: Erika Busse, Macalester College; Roberta J. Villalon, St. John's University

Planes para el próximo año:

En la reunión de negocios así como también en una reunión del Board realizada la semana siguiente al congreso de LASA, se decidió que la sección sería más activa en las redes sociales, y que se propondría organizar una publicación para los miembros de la sección. Por otro lado, se trabajaría en el llamado a paneles durante los próximos meses.

Premio de la Sección:

Como ya se mencionó, la ganadora del premio de la sección fue:

Macarena Bonhomme (Profesora Asistente, Universidad Autónoca de Chile) “I’m poor but clean: Neoconventillos, race and the migrant issue in multicultural Chile” (el premio consiste en pago de la membresía a LASA y a la sección por un año)

Las bases del concurso fueron revistas por los miembros del Board Thais França y Ximena Poo, y el jurado de mismo fue integrado por Gisela Zapata, Thais França y Ximena Poo. Si bien solo se recibió un único trabajo, el jurado decidió otorgar el premio por la calidad del mismo y no por ser el único recibido.

International Migration Section Report 2021

A) A summary of the business meeting, including the number of people that attended, topics discussed, and conclusions.

The Business Meeting for the International Migration Section was held Thursday May 27, 2021, 1:00 pm to 2:45 pm, and 12 people were present at one stage or another. The agenda for the Business Meeting was as follows:


- Formal presentation of the two co-chairs (Beatriz and Anastasia)

- Announcement of upcoming call for elections to the Board (to be done through LASA)

- Summary of the themes discussed in the meeting of chairs the day before

- Plans to increase membership in the Section and make the new Board more active

- Summary of activities carried out this past year (since August 2020 to May 2021)

- Presentation of the Section Paper Awards

- Other businesses, questions, comments…

Among the issues raised in interventions from different members, we discussed how to increase communications within the Section, organize more collaborative events, etc., and especially the idea of devising joint virtual courses or collaborate in teaching activities. Also the idea of more joint Latin America-North America-Europe initiatives was raised, making use of the broad background of Section members.

B) The results of the section’s elections, including the names, position, email, affiliation, and term. The officers who continue their terms must also be listed with their corresponding email and term.

Elections have not been carried out yet. We had agreed to do elections through LASA, and hope to do them during August 2021.

C) A review of the activities carried out last term

1) A set of activities were organized and carried out as part of the International Migration Section from September 2020-May 2021:

  • Conference on “Racism and Xenophobia in times of COVID”, sponsored by Anahi Viladrich (Board member) (April 2021)
  • Transnational Workshop and Students Exchange on Migration Studies (International Migration Section/ University of South Florida / UNAM), March 18, 2021. With the participation and presentations of about 17 students from UNAM and USF. Organized by Beatriz Padilla and Camelia Tigau (co-chair and board member respectively).
  • International Conference (with SUDIMER & Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte (CISAN)) about “IMPACTOS AMBIVALENTES DE COVID19 EN MIGRANTES DE LATINOAMÉRICA (December 2, 2020). With the participation of Beatriz Padilla, Camelia Tigau, Anahi Viladrich and other Board members.
  • A CONVERSATORIO “DESAFÍOS ACTUALES Y FUTUROS DE LAS MIGRACIONES LATINOAMERICANAS” (December 9, 2020). Organized by Beatriz Padulla & Anastasia Bermudez with the participation of Gioconda Herrera (LASA President and expert on Migrations), Cecilia Menjívar (President of ASA and section member) and Emma Martin (University of Seville, and Section member).

2) For the virtual conference of LASA 2021, our section sponsored 3 panels, and organized an Intersectional Panel (with the Gender and Feminist Studies Section), as it follows:

  • LASA Intersection Panel (International Migration & Gender and Feminist Studies) May 29 (Saturday), 2021, 15:00:00 - 16:45:00 Eastern Daylight Time
  • 1086 // SEC - LASA Intersection Panel: Linking a gender and migration perspective in the study of the unequal impacts of COVID-19 on the vulnerable and their agency. Session Organizers: Thais França Silva, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) , CIES-IUL; & Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida Chairs: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida; Anastasia Bermudez Torres, Universidad de Sevilla Discussant: María J. Azócar, College of The Sequoias
  • Migración, pandemia y procesos de (re)inserción socioeducativa entre la niñez y la adolescência en la movilidad Estados Unidos-Oaxaca, México: Marta Rodríguez-Cruz, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas – UNAM & Universidad de Sevilla
  • The Role of Immigrant Women in the process of response in the COVID-19 era: The case of the new sanctuary movement of Philadelphia: Veronica Montes, Bryn Mawr College; Erika Busse, Macalester College
  • From the unseen to the spotlight. The cases of Venezuelan immigrant women and gender violence during Covid-19: Maria Auxiliadora González, Universidad del Norte
  • Fear-scape. Political capital circulation among Latin American migrants in Spain during the COVID-19 state of alarm: Emma Martín Díaz, Universidad de Sevilla; Simone Castellani, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (CIES-ISCTE)
LASA International Migration Sponsored Panels:
  • 045/SEC—LASA Section Panel- Wednesday, 9:00am-10:45am The “crisis” withing the crisis: Migration, displacement and COVID-19 responses in Latin American I. Session Organizer: Luciana Gandini, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y SUDIMER, UNAM Chair: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Mary University of London Discussant: Soledad Álvarez Velasco, University of Houston.

Respuestas gubernamentales ante la pandemia em México: de la criminalización de las poblaciones migrantes a su abandono a la precaria inmovilidad y los. riesgos de la COVID-19: Luciana Gandini, Instituto deInvestigaciones Jurídicas y SUDIMER, UNAM; Alethia Fernandez de la Reguera Ahedo, IIJ- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); Juan Carlos Narváez Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The limits of human rights-oriented migration policy. The preexistent and contingent vulnerabilities of immigrantsin Uruguay: Victoria Prieto, Universidad de la República; Julieta Bengochea, Universidad de la Republica; Camila Montiel, Universidad de la República; Delia D. Dutra, Universidad de la República

Governing mobility through humanitarian border scapes: assessing Brazil’s response to the Venezuelan exodus in the context of COVID-19: Gisela P. Zapata Araujo, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG); Carolina Moulin Aguiar, Cedeplar - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Las respuestas del Estado peruano frente a la crisis sanitaria y sus consecuencias para las personas migrantes venezolanas: Cécile Blouin, Universidad de Durham(UK)

  • 094/SEC—LASA Section Panel- Wednesday, 11:00am-12:45pm The “crisis” withing the crisis: Migration, displacement and COVID-19 responses in Latin American II. Session Organizer: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Mary University of London Chair: Luciana Gandini, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y SUDIMER, UNAM Discussant: Bruno Miranda, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IISUNAM)

COVID-19: doble vulnerabilidad de la población migrante y refugiada en Colombia: Stéphanie López Villamil, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

COVID-19 y consecuencias en el sistema migratoriaecuatoriano: Gabriela M. Cabezas Galvez, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Ecuador

The (re)making of a crisis: Migration and policy responsesto COVID-19 in Chile: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Mary University of London Prensa, pandemia y migración en América Latina:¿racismo mediático o enfoque de derechos?: Ximena A.Poo Figueroa, Universidad de Chile

La inmovilización de los solicitantes de asilo en la frontera norte de México: María Dolores París Pombo, El Colegio dela Frontera Norte

  • 665/SEC – LASA Section Panel-Friday, May 28, 2021, 11:00 am--12:45pm Inmigración venezolana y crisis humanitaria en Iberoamérica y USA. Session Organizer: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida Chair: Magdalena López, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) / Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame Discussant: Cristian A. Doña Reveco, University of Nebraska-Omaha

El papel de las redes y de las políticas migratorias en la migración de venezolanos a Argentina, Portugal y Estados Unidos: Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida

El proyecto migratorio de los inmigrantes venezolanos em México: Itzel Eguiluz, Independent Scholar

La inmigración venezolana en el discurso mediático em Portugal y Argentina: Thais França Silva, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIES-IUL

D) A review of activities and plans for the coming term.

- Hold elections and have a new Board for the Section to bring in new people and dynamism to the section.

- Organize the Call for Panels for the LASA 2022 Conference

- Organize the new Paper Award Competition

- Organize a set of meeting or virtual events, maybe with a regional focus, to keep people engaged and to address new issues arising in the field of international migration

- Create a twitter account and renovate/update the FB pages and website of the section

- Work on plans to organize joint student activities

E) The names of the section’s awardees, the names of the selection committee members, and a description of the selection process. The following information should be included for the awardees:

Section: International Migration

Award: International Migration Paper Award

Jury/Award Committee:

  • Sara Poggio
  • Ximena Póo
  • Érika Busse-Cárdenas
  • Simone Castellani
  • Gisela Zapata

Awardees: Name, Affiliation and Title:

  • Daisy Del Real, (University of Southern California) “Liminal Legality and Irregularity: The Fragility and Exclusionary Aspects of Colombia’s Special Legalization Permits for Venezuelan Migrant" (1st place)
  • Isabel Gil Everaert (El Colegio de México) “The Waiting Regime" (2nd place)
  • Vicoria Fin (Universidad Diego Portales & Leiden University) “To Vote or Not to Vote? That is the Question for Many Migrants” (3rd Place)


List of Activities of the LASA International Migration Section. 2019-2020

The Section of International Migrations reunited online at the business meeting; however, as was expected, many people did not attend the reunion. We could not make decisions, but we discussed topics relevant to our Section and our work.

We evaluated the need for activities and for a call for elections to renovate the positions of Co-chairs.

List of Activities done during the period between Congress 2019 and Lasa Congress 2020.

It is a practice of the Section executive committee to engage the members during the Inter period congresses. We use email, Facebook, and Twitter to be available and to consult the members for any decision that we make related to the function of the Section. We disseminate all the information about immigration facts in Latin America and the leading destination countries of Latin American immigrants. We share all types of academic information ( seminars, congresses, publications), and we organize the activities for the next Lasa meeting.

In Boston, during the Business meeting of the Section, we decided to:

1. Organize and distribute the call for panels. The International Migration Section has the right to sponsor three panels or workshops.

2. Encourage our members to present papers on the subject of Migration South-South and inter-Latin American countries.

3. Organize a pre-conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, previous to the International LASA Congress, about Immigrant Children their experiences in the United States and countries of Latin America.

4. Select some community organizations working with immigrants and immigrants organizations to contact in Guadalajara to know better the local situation and to participate in our event and to invite them to work with us in our pre-conference.

5. To invite our members to present their recent books at the pre-conference of the Section. More details will follow.

List of the objectives completed during the period between the two Congress

A. Call for panels among those presented by the members. The panel selected were:

  • “Inmigración venezolana y crisis humanitaria en Iberoamérica y USA” Organizadora: Beatriz Padilla
  • Mexico’s Migration and Asylum Policy. Organizers: Juan Carlos Narváez Gutiérrez, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM (DF, Mexico); Stephen Meili, University of Minnesota Law School (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA). Discussant: Luisa Feline Freier, Academic Department of Social and Political Sciences of Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru)
  • Venezuelan Forced Migration & Mental Health .Organizers: Haley Carroll (Harvard Medical School and Boston University Medical Center) and Feline Freier (Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú). Discussant: Margarita Beccera (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)

B. Advance in preparation for a Pre-conference with the Lasa new Section of Childhood and Youth. We worked on contacting local community associations and on inviting our members to present on May 13, 2020, and inviting our members to participate.

C. Call for the election of two co-chairs for the Section.

D. The election was done in August under the direction of the co-chairs Sara Poggio and Daniela Celleri.

E. The elections were done with fair participation of the Section’s members.

F. The new Co-chairs of the International Migration Section: Beatriz Padilla and Anastasia Bermudez, will serve for two years.

G. In 2022 the Section will call elections for Co-chairs, and members for the Section Board elect a new Executive Board.

It is well known that the interruption of our academic life due to COVID 19 did not allow many of us to attend LASA events in the online mode. Two of the panels that we selected are being presented again for 2021.

We are grateful that Lasa adopted the online modality for the event. Still, the pandemic had occasioned many other problems to the academic community; just one was the decisión of some universities of not to reimburse faculties for any event during the lockdown, at least in the US. We hope that 2021 will allow us to be in Vancouver. If not, we Will we make a point in attending the online Congress.

Finally, in my name, Daniela Celleri (Co-chairs) and all Section’s members, we congratulate the new Co-Chairs wishing them a lot of success and offering them all our support.


Dr. Sara Poggio

Associate Professor MLLI-UMBC


Business Meeting 2019

According to decisions made in our business meeting held during LASA's Congress 2018, Barcelona, Spain we had worked on the organization of the call for panels to be sponsored by the section at the Lasa meeting in Boston, MA on May 2019.
  • Panels and Workshops
According to the number of members of the International Migration Sections, we were able to organize three panels sponsored by our section on Boston, MA. After distribution to all members of the call for papers for our three panels, and the extensive diffusion on social media, and professionals groups working on International Migrations, we were able to select three panels among our members as follows:
- Panel 1 Subjetividades Intersectional: Reflexiones Interdisciplinares sobre migración y Justicia
Session Organizer: Diego Falconí Trávez / Universidad San Francisco de Quito/ Universidad de Barcelona
Chair: Tania Pleitez Vela / Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
• Tania Pleitez Vela, “La alteridad del infante migrante a partir de “Unacconpanied” de Javier Zamora.”
• Diego Falconí Trávez “Sobre migraciones marcas invisibles y estrategias de reparación jurídico-literarias
•Javier Arcentales: “ Ciudadanía Universal:Utopía-distopia de la migraiones en la constitución y dramaturgia ecuatorianas.”


-Panel 2 Tendencias Actuales de la migración Mexico-Estados Unidos
Chair: Miguel A. Lopez, Universidad de Barcelona Puebla.
• Eje temático Familia: Liliana Reyes, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Mexico.
• Eje temático Cultura: Oswaldo Benavides, Fordham University
• Eje Temático Bienestar y Niveles de Vida: Miguel A. Lopez Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla,  Miguel Reyes Universidad Iberoamericana.
-Panel 3 Migracion Internacional Venezolana en las Americas:Origenes y desafíos (parte 1)
Session organizers: Luisa Feline Freier, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima Peru; Christian Dona Reveco, University of Nevraska- Omaha.
Chair: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Mary University of London.
Discussant: Marcia A. Vera Espinoza, Queen Mary University of London.
• Isabel Berganza, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, “ Refugiados o inmigrantes económicos? La definición de Cartagena a las personas venezolanas
• Luisa Feline Freier, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima Peru, “Understanding Political Reaction to the Venezuelan Displacement”
• Cristina Yepes, McGill University, “Multiples respuestas frente a la inmigración venezolana:el caso de Ecuador desde la institucionalidad estatal y las iniciativas de la sociedad civil”
• Gisela P. Zapata Araujo, Universidad Federal de Mina Geraes, “Migración y Desplazamientos, de Venezolanos a Brasil en tiempos de crisis: desafíos y oportunidades
2. Business Meeting:
Attendees at the Business Meeting:
Maria Amelia Viteri, University of San Francisco Quito. Ecuador; Daniela Celleri, University of Hannover; Beatriz Padilla University of Florida; Anahi Viladrich, Queens College & The Graduate Center, The City University of New York (CUNY); Tania Lizarazo, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Mathew Hayes University of Fredikton- Canadá and Sara Poggio, University of Maryland Baltimore County. Many members that wanted to attend were having a meeting at the same time, and others were already traveling back to their home. In discussing our activity in the period inter Congress (Barcelona-Boston), we discuss the need to increase our communication by email and social media to make the decision for our agenda for Guadalajara with a large number of members participating.
Activities at the Business Meeting:
During the business section, we reviewed the activities pre-and during the Boston Congress. It is a practice of the Section executive committee to engage the members during the Inter period congresses. We use email, Facebook, and Twitter to be available and to consult the members for any decision that we make related to the function of the section. We disseminate all the information about immigration facts in Latin America and the leading destination countries of Latin American immigrants. We share all type of academic information ( seminars, congresses, publications) and we organize the activities for the next Lasa meeting.
The main activity between Barcelona and the meeting in Boston in 2019 were:
1) We reviewed our activities in the past year, and for the moment we have decided to continue with these activities for LASA 2020
2) We discuss possible topics for the Pre-conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2020. However due to the small number of participants on the business meeting we propose to start a discussion that will continue through email  and social media including all members of the section that are willing to participate in these decisions.
3. Lasa 2020 Next Congres “Améfrica Ladina: vinculando mundos y saberes, tejiendo esperanzas” Will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico in May 13-16 2020.
Mexico is an exciting place for the International Migration Section. Mexicans are still the largest foreign-born group in the country, accounting for 25 percent of the 44.5 million immigrants as of 2017 (By Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova, 2018). According to with the importance of the Mexican immigrants in this country and the current policies of family separation of immigrants at the southern border our discussion was centered about the need of discussed the most relevant migrant's actors of our times: children and Youth. We started a brainstorm conversation about organization and people that we personally or through our institutions, we know in Guadalajara, and we propose to contact them in order to work together in the organization of the section's activities during the Congress. For many reasons connected with the situation that we are living in and the concerns about the fate of immigrant children, we have decided to propose the topic of immigrant children and youth and their recent experiences and repercussion for the future. We will attempt to work with another section in the organization of the pre-conference. We also would like to propose to work with another section for our pre-conference.
In summary, we concluded:
1. Organize and distribute the call for panels. The International Migration Section has the right to sponsor three panels or workshops.
2. Encourage our members to present papers on the subject of Migration South-South and inter-Latin American countries.
3. Organize a pre-conference in Guadalajara Mexico previous to the International LASA Congress, about Immigrant Children their experiences in the United States and countries of Latin America.
4. Select community organization in Guadalajara, Mexico that are working with immigrants and immigrants organizations to contact and inform our section about the local situation and to invite them to work with us in our pre-conference.
5. To invite our members to present their recent books at the pre-conference of the section.
Executive Committee Section Co-chairs:
Co-Chair for North America, Sara Poggio, University of Maryland Baltimore County ( UMBC)
Co-Chair for Latin America, Daniela Celleri University of Hanover Germany
Secretary / Treasurer: Maria Amelia Viteri, University of San Francisco Quito. Ecuador
Section Council members: Camelia Tigau, Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico; Ximena Figueroa Póo, Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile; Anahí Viladrich, Queens College & The Graduate Center, The City University of New York (CUNY)



Business Meeting 2016

According with decisions taken in Puerto Rico , in our business meeting , we had worked during the period inter Congress 2015-2016 in the preparation of the Pre-conference: “: New York as a Global City: A Critical Perspective” New York May 26 2016. The Pre-conference was held in 108- 50 Roosevelt Avenue, Jackson Heights, Corona, Queens, New York.

See attached agenda and flyer.

According with the number of members that we have in Puerto Rico we were able to present two panels and a workshop during the Congress in New York.

We distribute a call for papers among our members for both the panels and the workshop and we selected the following panels and workshop:

Panel: Globalizing cities, migration and the state in Latin America Chair Felipe Filomeno


Bringing together scholars based in the United States and Mexico, this panel presents papers that investigate the dynamics of migration in key urban areas of Latin America, with special attention to the relationship between migrants and the state. In the five areas examined, state authorities have responded differently to the complex “glocal” realities created by the intersection of rural-to-urban migration, emigration and immigration. Each of the papers explores these migration flows and the conditions that have shaped local responses that range from neglect (Puebla-Tlaxcala, Mexico) to humanitarian (São Paulo, Brazil)

Panel II: “New shifts in migration, spaces and racisms in Latin America: Discussing research methods for understanding South-South migration in Chile and Ecuador” Chair Maria Amelia Viteri


Growing social inequality and enforced border controls have shifted migratory trends in South America. The symbolic boundaries of migration policies and their institutionalized racism are locally reproduced in the emergence of space reconfigurations where new zones of transit and spaces for belonging and citizenship are contested. The lax migratory policies of Ecuador and the promise of economic development of Chile have increasingly attracted Latin American migrants who either transit through or reside in those countries. By reflecting upon these contemporary shifts, this panel aims to explore

Workshop Understanding Immigration and immigrants through the lens of time.


This workshop addresses some of the main research trajectories in the field of migration studies for the past decades, in light of the celebration of LASA’ 50 years. Participants in this workshop (from their particular disciplines) along with the audience will share their insights regarding some of the key changes that have occurred in immigration studies in the last 50 years. Ultimately, this workshop aims to reflect on our research field’s rich and changing path, along with the changes that have taken place in public policy, transnationalism and globalization, migration patterns, and citizenship and borders, to name a few.

Participants: Camelia Tigau, Ximena Poo, Anahi Viladrich, Maria Amelia Viteri and Sara Poggio Activities in the Business Meeting: The Business meeting was attended by: Jennifer Cook, Mathew Hayes, Benjamin Du Montier, Maria Amelia Viteri ,Ximena Poo, Camelia Tigau, Daniela Celleri , Sara Poggio, Thania Lizarazo, Thania Munos, Felipe Filomeno, Carmen Ferradas, Christian Duena and Carolina Ramirez We informed the members who were present at the meeting about the advances of the Section of International Migration in terms of the increase in the membership, we started with 70 members on 2012, and the number was increasing since then, in 2016 we counted 176 members which implies that we will continue organizing three panels for Lasa 2017.

2. Discussion of Activities for Lima 2017 We will organize a Pre-conference to be held a day previous to the beginning of the Congress. Possible topics discussed and approved in the meeting: Mobility in a very broad sense was used to define the topic for the pre-conference in Lima Peru in 2017. Different aspects of mobility to be the topic for pre-conference and for the call for Papers.

1) Internal Migrations

2) Migrations South To South

3) Intraregional Migrations In Latin America

4) Migration Policy In Latin America

5) Mobility, Bodies, Gender And Sexualities During the discussion with the members of the section it was suggested that the section of International Migration could work with the sections of Gender Studies and the Section of Sexuality in an effort to coordinate a pre-conference in which the three sections will share costs and resources as well as the schedule for presentation and discussion. The idea is interesting and could be done but it is necessary to think carefully about how to proceed in order to use the time and the topic to be discussed at the event.

Other topics suggested by the members

1) To develop a network of people and institutions using the members’ individual professional networks in Peru and in Lima in special.

2) To add Internal and circular displacement within countries (the case of Mexico) as a topic for Pre-conference and Panels of the Section.

3) To explore the contact with the Section of Agrarian studies at Lasa in order to work with them.

4) To add the topic of Migratory patterns from Asia to South America (Past and Present) to the topic of the Pre-conference and Panels.

5) To give the section with major visibility through collaboration with Collaboration with Journals ( CELAE, Migration Associations (Mexico, Spain and other countries)

6) To organize the International Migration Paper Award in 2017.

Changes in Governance:

The Section approved to incorporate Daniela Celleri as Co-Chair for South America replacing Maria Amelia Viteri. Anahi Viladrich continues as Secretary Treasurer Sara Poggio continues as the Co-Chair for North America Maria Amelia Viteri becomes counselor Camelia Tigau and Ximena Poo continue as councils . NEW SECTION BOARD Executive Committee Section Co-chairs: Co-Chair for North America, Sara Poggio, University of Maryland Baltimore County ( UMBC) Co-Chair for Latin America, Daniela Celleri University of Hanover Germany. Secretary Treasurer Anahí Viladrich, Queens College & The Graduate Center, The City University of New York (CUNY) Section Council members: Maria Amelia Viteri, University of San Francisco Quito. Ecuador Felipe Filomeno, University of Maryland Baltimore County ( UMBC Thania Munos, University of Maryland Baltimore County ( UMBC ) Camelia Tigau, Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico Ximena Figueroa Póo , Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile