Europe and Latin America

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association


In 2019, the section had 72 members. Current chairs are Susanne Gratius and Isabel Clemente. ELAS was created in mid 1990s by the following Chairs: Anna Ayuso, Christian Ghymers, Miriam Saraiva, Carlos Quenan, Laurence Whitehead, Joaquín Roy, Jean Grugel, Christian Freres, Carlos Malamud.

Since 2001 the Section use to present one or two panels in each congress:

LASA 2019-Boston: The section organized two panels: 1) “Scientific-academic relations between Europe and Latin America (“Las relaciones científico-académicas entre Europa y América Latina”), organized by Peter Birle and Carlos Quenan. 2) “Europe and Latin AMerica: shared principles, values and interests” (“Europa y América Latina: Principios, Valores e Intereses compartidos”), organized by Anna Ayuso.

LASA 2018-Barcelona: official panel/Panel oficial: Panel LASA 2018 “Regionalism and Europe-Latin America relations in Trump's time”; Regionalismo y Relaciones Europa-América Latina en tiempos de Trump, organized by Anna Ayuso. La sección también organizó (Anna Ayuso) un pre-evento LASA en la sede de CIDOB, Barcelona, co-financiado por la Fundación EU-LAC y titulado: “La agenda UE-CELAC en tiempos del interregionalismo global: una perspectiva académica”.

LASA 2016-New York: Dos paneles oficiales/two official panels: “Political and Economic Dimensions of EU-Latin American Inter-regionalism”; Is the EU Still a Model? Regionalism in Latin America.

LASA 2015-Puerto Rico: one official panel/un panel oficial: “Relaciones Europa-América Latina y el Caribe en vísperas de la Cumbre de Bruselas: transformaciones de las relaciones transatlánticas y nuevas iniciativas de asociación y de cooperación, chaired by Gonzalo Sebastián Paz

LASA 2013-Washington DC: official panel: “The strategic and interegional partnerships between Europan Union and Latin America”, Organizer: Miriam Saraiva, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. ELAS Sponsored panels: “Changes and continuities in Latin American regionalism and the relationship with EU”, organizer: Anna Ayuso (CIDOB/ Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Las relaciones económicas Europa-América Latina y el Caribe en tiempos de crisis, Organizer: Carlos Quenan (Universite Sorbone) and Christian E Ghymers (Institut Catholique des Hautes Études Commerciales); O impacto da crise do euro na associação estratégica entre União Europeia e América Latina; Organizer: Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro); Political Participation, External Voting and Representation: Comparing Diasporas’ Experiences in the Americas and Europe; Organizer: Gonzalo Sebastián Paz (American University) 

LASA2012 – San Francisco: "The European Union: A normative power in the relationship with Latin America?. Organized by Anna Ayuso and the Workshop "Cuba, Europe and United States times of changes". Organized by Francesc Bayo.

The Section has also sponsored other panels: "New perspectives of regional and extra-regional relations of Latin America"; "International Cooperation in Latin America: Issues of the Interregional Agenda".  "The Politics and Finances of Latin American Regionalism: Part I, Politics". "La integración de América Latina y el Caribe: Balance de perspectivas."

LASA2010 – Toronto: "Latin American and European experiences with populism" Organized by Susane Gratius  and "Learning from Latin America". Organized by Bert Hoffman.

The Section has also sponsored two other panels in the International Relations Track – "Theoretical Implications of the New Regional, Interregional and Extra-Regional Relations of Latin America" and "Spain-Latin America Relations: Challenges and Opportunities while Commemorating the Bicentennials".

LASA2009 - Río de Janeiro: "Políticas Europeas hacia América Latina una perspectiva comparativa". Organized by Peter Birle; and "Brazil: between European Union and South America". Organized by Miriam Saraiva.

LASA2007 - Montreal: "Europe, Latin America and the Prospects for Inter-regionalism". Organized by Laurence Whitehead and "Trans-Atlantic migration: Current trends and Prospects". Organized by Beatriz Padilla.

LASA2006 - San Juan: "The New International relations of Latin America: Between the Atlantic and the Pacific". Organized by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano and "Latin America Migration to Europe and Transnational Engagement in Countries of Origin". Organized by Ninna Nyberg Sorenson

LASA2004 - Las Vegas: "The Political Economy of Bi-Regionalism." Organized by Laurence Whitehead.

LASA2003 - Dallas: "Europe and Latin America: Regional Integration and Transatlantic Cooperation". Organized by Andrés Malamud.

LASA2001 - Washington: "Europe and Latin America: Inter-regional Linkages and Comparative Processes". Organized by Christian Freres.