Educación y Políticas Educativas en América Latina

A Section of the Latin American Studies Association

Call for Proposals: Symposium “Education, Bodies, and Public Policy”

Latin American Studies Association

Education and Educational Policy Section

LASA 2025 Congress

“Putting the Body in LatinxAmerica” to be held on May 23 and 26, 2025 in the city of San Francisco, United States


to submit proposals for papers/panels to the Symposium organized by the Education Section:

“Education, Bodies, and Public Policies”

Dear members of the Education and Educational Policies Section:

The theme of LASA 2025 is Poner el Cuerpo en LatinxAmerica: “… placing it at the center of the scene to display its weight, relevance, and significance. … recognizing it as our first political device, capable of facing censorship, repression, and violence.” The idea of ​​putting the body is particularly powerful when “… our sovereignty and autonomy are compromised …” Talking about “bodies” goes beyond the human for its multiple meanings and exploring it from the broad educational field opens multiple doors and scenarios for study and reflection.

The Education Section embraces the theme of LASA 2025 and invites its members to submit proposals from the different experiences, perspectives, and lenses of our broad discipline, incorporating the analysis of how from Latinx America we put our bodies before the challenges, injustices, violence, ideological clashes, opportunities, values, potentials, and public policies that incite and allow us to overcome adversity and strive for a better future for each person, our communities, and current and future generations.

The Symposium “Education, Bodies, and Public Policies” will be open to all topics submitted to the conference by members of the Education Section. It is a requirement that those who participate have active membership in LASA and the Education and Public Policies Section.

PROPOSED TOPICS: At the Education and Educational Policies Section we encourage you to join in the dialogue and reflections from all educational levels. We have identified some of the possible topics for the proposals for presentations and panels, although we do not intend for the following list to be exhaustive:

● Successes, failures, and future horizons of educational policies
● Inclusion, diversity, and the educational agenda
● Right to education and its violations in Latin America
● Early childhood education: historical debt and programs in Latin America
● Relevance and pertinence of tertiary education for the construction of democracies
● Post-secondary education and work
● Policies, affectivity, and social movements
● Inequalities and experiences to close educational gaps
● Education and sustainable development
● Education in rural contexts: territorial inequalities
● Education, struggles, and social justice
● Own education as practices of resistance in Latin America
● Migratory flows, childhoods, and education: effects and possibilities
● Education, gender, and new citizenships
● Cultural and ethnic diversity
● Political formation and education
● Body and education
● Violence against bodies in Latin America
● Pedagogies of care
● Caring for water and our common home
● Education, research, and human development
● Formation of political subjectivities in Latin America: social movements
● Resilient educational leadership in contexts of uncertainty and social conflict
● Art, body, and education
● Construction and transmission of knowledge in school and non-school contexts
● Didactics of disciplines
● Education, virtuality, and new technologies
● Teaching physical education
● Construction of identity in formal and informal education
● Humanities and education
● Other topics proposed by our speakers…

PROCEDURE: The coordinators of the Symposium “Education, the Body, and Public Policies” will:

  1. Receive proposals for individual presentations and panels that must be sent to the following email:;
  2. verify that the authors have their LASA and Section memberships active by 2024 and that the requirements for submitting LASA proposals are met (;
  3. organize the proposals with the general title of the Symposium and numbered subtitles for each panel created/organized;
  4. submit the entire Symposium to the congress as a single package (NOTE: Symposium participants should NOT send their proposals directly to LASA);
  5. request LASA to schedule the symposium panels in the same room, at successive times and avoiding overlaps (section sessions--EDU and invited panels--SEC).

CLARIFICATION: This year, the chairs of the Education track for the LASA 2025 conference are Consuelo Sanchez-Bautista and D. Brent Edwards. They will evaluate all proposals that LASA receives for the Education track, including Symposium sessions presented on behalf of the Education Section. For this reason, we must confirm that, if we send proposals for our symposium, they comply with all LASA requirements. The Section does not evaluate the papers; that is the job of the track chairs.

DEADLINE: The deadline to receive proposals for individual presentations and panels for the Education Section Symposium is Friday, August 30.


2024-2025 Board of Directors, LASA Education and Education Policies in Latin America Section

Co-Chairs, Rosita Angelo (Uruguay) and Guzmán Hernández-Estrada (Mexico)

Secretary/Treasurer, María Pilar Cabanzo (Colombia/Brazil)

Advisers, Liliana Gallego-Duque (Colombia), Ilse Nakase (Mexico), Nancy Palacios (Colombia), Leydy Erazo (Colombia/Mexico), Patricia Viera-Duarte (Uruguay), Consuelo Sánchez-Bautista (Colombia/USA), Guilherme de Alcántara (Brazil), Uriel Buitrago (Colombia/USA), and Mr. Brent Edwards (USA)


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